Report: US to Release Migrants as Title 42 End Nears

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The Facts

  • Following a surge of more than 11K migrants crossing the southern border on Tuesday, the Biden admin. is reportedly working on a memo to instruct Customs and Border Protection to release migrants into the US without court dates or the ability to track them.

  • The admin. had previously released migrants without court dates to prevent overcrowding in March 2021 but had enrolled them in a program known as “Alternatives to Detention.” This required migrants to use a mobile app until they were given a court date.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

While at face value this new policy may scare people, in reality reducing overcrowding in immigration facilities is a legitimate public health issue. The Biden admin. is doing its best to address this overwhelming surge in immigration in a safe and responsible way. Quickly processing properly-vetted migrants in order to alleviate overcrowding in ICE facilities is the responsible thing to do.

Republican narrative

No matter what the Biden admin. may say or do to save face, the crisis at the southern border is its fault. Biden’s radical open border policies have created a crisis and the planned expiration of Title 42 is going to turn the crisis into a catastrophe. The ending of Title 42 will only push an already overwhelmed system over the edge. Biden's immigration policies aren't just dangerous and irresponsible, they're un-American and will wreak havoc across the US.

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