Report: Huawei Shipping New Surveillance Camera Chips

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The Facts

  • A unit of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies is reportedly shipping new Chinese-made chips for surveillance cameras, as the company finds ways around four years of US export controls that have blocked its access to American technology.

  • Chinese advances in semiconductor production have caused a leading association of manufacturers to accuse Huawei of building a collection of secret chip-making facilities under different company names — enabling the company to indirectly purchase American chip-making equipment.

The Spin

Pro-China narrative

The launch of Huawei's new smartphone, powered by a cutting-edge new chip, is a game-changer that has spurred pride in China. It underscores the country’s capability to produce advanced semiconductor chips despite US-imposed restrictions.

Anti-China narrative

Huawei and SMIC appear to have access to sophisticated tools they shouldn't have under current US government restrictions. The US must put additional pressure on these companies by placing additional export controls on them.

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