Super PAC Supporting Tim Scott Cancels TV Ad Blitz

Image copyright: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Trust in the Mission PAC (Political Action Committee), which is backing Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has canceled all of its $40M worth of upcoming television and digital ads.

  • In a memo obtained by the press, the PAC known as "TIM PAC" explained how it isn't "going to waste" its money because the "electorate isn’t focused or ready" to consider anyone other than former Pres. Donald Trump, the current GOP frontrunner.

The Spin

Republican narrative

No one can blame TIM PAC for scaling back its spending, as GOP voters have remained enthralled with Trump while Scott hasn't been able to move up in polling. His bigger concern should be meeting the requirements for the next GOP debate — a problem some of his rivals also have. In the long run, though, it might be worth sticking in the race in case there's a need for an experienced, prepared alternative to Trump.

Democratic narrative

This move by TIM PAC just shows Scott’s campaign is in freefall. It was truly doomed from the start, as his message of fiscal responsibility was never going to resonate with an electorate that's devoted to Trump. It's ironic that it's now Scott's donors who are being careful with their money while his polling numbers linger in the low single digits.

Metaculus Prediction

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