Texas Erects Barrier at New Mexico Border to Deter Migrants

Image copyright: John Moore/Getty Images [via Getty Images]

The Facts

  • In an attempt to stem illegal migration into the state, including through the floodplain of the Rio Grande, Texas has installed new fencing along its border with neighboring New Mexico.

  • Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott reportedly ordered the Texas National Guard to erect miles of barbed wire along the Texas-New Mexico border in El Paso as part of his Operation Lone Star project.

The Spin

Republican narrative

While America's southern border is being invaded by hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens every month, the Biden administration is more concerned with tearing down border security efforts and helping migrants sneak across the Rio Grande. Texas, however, has strong leadership that is concerned for state sovereignty and safety. State and federal governments are duty-bound to implement any mechanism necessary to stop invasion at the southern border, regardless of Pres. Biden's open borders agenda.

Democratic narrative

Texas' razor wire border isn't about security, it's a political stunt aimed at inflicting the greatest possible suffering on migrants. Abbott's policy is not only ineffective, it has caused inhumane lacerations and injuries to migrants trying to seek a better life in the US. The cruelty of Republicans knows no bounds and federal agents have every right to cut down these barbaric fences — especially when medical emergencies are involved.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split