US Treasury Sanctions Bosnian Serb Leaders

Image copyright: Ministry of Defence of Republic of Serbia [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Facts

  • On Monday, the US Dept. of Treasury placed sanctions on four senior Bosnian Serb officials for damaging the 1995 peace accord. The treaty ended a war that claimed more than 100K lives.

  • The four officials — which include Zeljka Cvijanovic, a Serb member of the tripartite collective Bosnian presidency, and Radovan Viskovic, the Prime Minister of the Serb political entity in Bosnia — allegedly developed a law that Western nations claim disregards Bosnia's constitutional court.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Those sanctioned by the US treasury are trying to destabilize Bosnia's fragile peace with their separatist rhetoric and political agenda. The Dayton Accords, though not perfect, alongside Western oversight, have prevented the resumption of ethnic conflict in Bosnia, and the US will continue to help keep the peace.

Establishment-critical narrative

Washington's moves in the Balkans are to be expected of an imperialist power that is trying to spark conflict and discord along the frontiers with Russia. The West, particularly the US, seeks to ensnare countries like Georgia, Bosnia, and Moldova and turn them into zones of confrontation with Russia. The US continues to destabilize fragile regions to serve its geopolitical desires.

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