Comer Wants Biden to Testify in House Impeachment Probe

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The Facts

  • Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chair of the US House Oversight Committee, Thursday sent a letter to Pres. Joe Biden, inviting him to publicly testify before the chamber as part of the Republican-led impeachment inquiry.

  • So far the inquiry into alleged access trading with foreign entities by the president and his son Hunter's businesses hasn't uncovered any evidence of wrongdoing by the elder Biden while the former US Senator and vice president was in public office.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This letter is just a continuation of the Republicans' kangaroo court disguised as an impeachment inquiry. Republicans have hit a dead end, so they're desperately creating a spectacle by calling the president to testify about something completely fabricated. If Republicans had anything on Biden they'd vote to upgrade this inquiry into a full-scale impeachment, but they haven't.

Republican narrative

Upgrading this from an inquiry to a full-scale impeachment would be useless because it would die in the Democratic-majority Senate. It's more important to keep accumulating evidence against Biden and refer the case to the Justice Department to hold the president accountable. If Biden did nothing wrong, he should clear up any discrepancies by testifying in Congress.

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