Former GOP Rep Kinzinger Endorses Biden

Image copyright: Win McNamee/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Former Illinois Republican US Rep. Adam Kinzinger on Wednesday endorsed Democratic Pres. Joe Biden for reelection over former Pres. Donald Trump.

  • Kinzinger, who served on the House committee that investigated Trump's alleged role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, posted a video saying he's a "proud conservative" but that his "unwavering support for democracy" compels him to back Biden.

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

Kinzinger has earned a reputation as a moderate, but his voting record shows he certainly leaned farther to the right than the impression he left by vocally opposing Trump. Nonetheless, his stance against Trump and his allies' assault on democracy is courageous and important. It'll only be impactful, though, if other high-profile Republicans have the fortitude to join him.

Pro-Trump narrative

Kinzinger may claim to be a conservative, but his constant opposition to Trump and his siding with Democrats on several key issues while in Congress show he was never on the GOP's side. Perhaps he has a personal vendetta against Trump, but whatever his motivation, Kinzinger's endorsement means little in the face of Trump's overwhelming support from real Republicans.

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