House Moves Forward With Mayorkas Impeachment

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The Facts

  • The Homeland Security Committee of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday began a day-long hearing on two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

  • The Republican-led committee is attempting to impeach Mayorkas over his alleged "willful and systemic" refusal to enforce immigration laws at the US southern border with Mexico. Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), the committee chairman, has claimed that Mayorkas' actions have left the committee with a "clear, compelling, and irrefutable case" for impeachment.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

The impeachment attempt is merely a political stunt by Republicans, who did not even allow Mayorkas to testify in his own defense. House Republicans could do more to address the issues at the border but instead want the problems to linger — hoping a chaotic border will work in their favor come this November's elections.

Republican narrative

The only political games being played here are by Democrats, who continue to support a Homeland Security Secretary who is failing to enforce US immigration law. By failing to join Republicans in this impeachment, Democrats will be actively complicit with the cartels in undermining US security.

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