Israeli Troops Withdraw from Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

Image copyright: Guy Smallman/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Following a two-week raid, Israeli forces withdrew from the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on Monday.

  • In a statement following the withdrawal, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they exited the compound after a "precise" operation that "killed terrorists" and found "numerous weapons and intelligence documents," while claiming to prevent "harm to civilians, patients and medical teams."

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

Israel has withdrawn from the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza after a successful operation in which Israeli troops killed and captured many Palestinian terrorists. Numerous weapons and intelligence documents were also seized from the site.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Despite Israel's allegations, there's no evidence the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza was being used by Hamas fighters. These are lies spread by Israel in an attempt to justify war crimes.

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