Poll: 54% of US Voters Oppose Immigration Detention Camps

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The Facts

  • A poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos released on Monday showed that 54% of registered US voters objected to the idea of detention camps for illegal immigrants, floated by the GOP's presumptive nominee, former Pres. Donald Trump

  • This follows a Gallup poll in April which found that immigration was the top issue for voters for the third consecutive month, netting 27%. This is the first time immigration has been the top issue for successive months in 24 years.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This poll shows that the American public rejects the punitive immigration policy that has been Trump's big ticket measure since 2016. A Trump victory this November would see the deportation of millions and unprecedented restrictions on legal immigration that threaten the rule of law, draconian measures which voters will reject en masse at the ballot box.

Republican narrative

The reality is that this poll is no cause for Democrat gloating, as the utter failure of Biden's border policies has led to a generational crisis. Most Americans want illegals deported and rank immigration as the number one issue this election. As terrorists, criminals, and drugs pour over the southern border in droves, voters will have no choice but to dump Biden with hope for a drastic course correction.

Metaculus Prediction

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