SCOTUS Allows Agents to Cut Razor Wire at Texas-Mexico Border

Image copyright: John Moore/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • In a 5-4 vote, the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Monday allowed federal agents to remove razor wire installed by Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott on the US-Mexico border. Texas had installed the wire to prevent illegal migration across the border.

  • The Biden administration's attorneys had alleged that Texas' border policy interfered with Border Patrol agents' ability to perform their duties to enforce federal immigration laws.

The Spin

Republican narrative

The razor wire is a simple and effective deterrent to an untenable wave of illegal immigration — a phenomenon actively aided and abetted by the ineffective left-leaning policies of the Biden White House. What SCOTUS has now done with Monday's ruling is to make way for a worsening of one of the worst crises the country has ever faced.

Democratic narrative

Operation Lone Star is inhumane. It's maiming, killing, and dehumanizing entire families of desperate people looking to the US for a better life. Explosive revelations have shown the migrants are being denied even water by Texas officials amid soaring temperatures. Thanks to SCOTUS, the brutal and punishing barbed wire can now be removed, and the Biden admin. can pursue more humanitarian and effective border control operations.

Metaculus Prediction

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