Some Democrats Condemn Plan to Virtually Nominate Biden Before Convention

Above: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speaks at a Biden-Harris campaign and DNC press conference in Milwaukee on July 17. Image copyright: Jim Vondruska/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced Wednesday it plans to hold a virtual roll call to nominate Pres. Joe Biden to the party's 2024 ticket, but not until at least Aug. 1. The party's official nominating convention is scheduled for Aug. 19.

  • The DNC was considering holding the virtual vote July 21 — initially because of an Ohio deadline to get on the ballot. That deadline was negated by new legislation, but the Biden campaign said it still wants to hold an early virtual roll call in order to avoid another attempt by Ohio Republicans to keep the president off the ballot.

The Spin

Narrative A

While the DNC thinks pushing through a virtual vote will save Biden's election prospects, the truth is that nothing will quell voters' concerns about his age and fitness for office. As former Pres. Donald Trump has built a stronger coalition than ever before, Democratic politicians, donors, and voters have given up on Biden. An alternative candidate can beat Trump — but if Biden refuses to step down, Trump and his MAGA policies will enter the White House next year.

Narrative B

Since it appears Biden won't be stepping down, Democrats must stop talking about his foibles and get behind him as their 2024 candidate. Biden's first term has been successful — deepening relationships with key allies and showing his strength in foreign policy. Democrats should focus on hounding Trump about his criminal cases and pointing out the horrors of Project 2025 and a radical GOP.

Republican narrative

Democrats have no one to blame for this situation but themselves. They forced America to take a mentally deteriorating man as their president, and now that he's in power and doesn't want to give it up, they have no way of forcing him out. As Biden becomes more lost and irritable, Trump is winning over the hearts and minds of Americans.

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