US House Rejects GOP Resolution to Fine Garland

Above: US Attorney General Merrick Garland Image copyright: Samuel Corum/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US House voted on Thursday against a GOP resolution to impose daily $10K fines on Attorney General Merrick Garland until he complies with a congressional subpoena for audio tapes of Pres. Joe Biden's interview with former special counsel Robert Hur.

  • In a 210 to 204 vote, four Republicans — House Intel Committee Chair Mike Turner and Rep. Dave Joyve, from Ohio, and Reps. John Duarte and Tom McClintock, from California — opposed the resolution, while 12 Republicans were absent.

The Spin

Republican narrative

It's disturbing that four House Republicans have shown their true colors in this vote, helping Democrats to defeat the resolution to hold Garland in inherent contempt over the Biden-Hur recordings. Real conservative Americans must get active and put pressure on representatives to bring Garland to justice.

Democratic narrative

Despite the eleventh-hour support of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), the unreasonable resolution that would impose daily fines on Garland failed to pass the House floor. As transcripts of the interview have been made available after Biden invoked executive privilege, it's clear that this is all political revenge against Garland on behalf of Trump.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split



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