US Jounalist Convicted In Absentia by Moscow Court

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The Facts

  • Journalist and author Masha Gessen, a dual US-Russian citizen, was convicted in absentia Monday by a Moscow court and sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of spreading false information about the military.

  • Born in Moscow, Gessen now lives in the US, working as a staff writer for The New Yorker and a columnist for The New York Times. Russian police put Gessen on a wanted list in December, reportedly over statements the journalist made about violence in the Ukrainian town of Bucha.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

Under Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship, Russia continues to prosecute journalists and infringe on basic human rights. The Kremlin has long targeted Masha Gessen for their staunch criticism of Putin and their commitment to reporting the truth. As Russia continues its brutal campaign in Ukraine, it also maintains its strict repression of speech and imprisons journalists for doing their job. While unsurprising, this conviction shows Russia’s assault on democracy and freedom.

Pro-Russia narrative

Masha Gessen has long operated as a foreign agent of the US, leaving Russia more than 10 years ago in order to promote LGBTQ+ propaganda. However, she continued to spread misinformation about the Russian military to provoke further Russophobia abroad. Russia does not, and will not, allow foreign agents to lie about its military operation, and Masha Gessen is no exception.

Metaculus Prediction

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