US Senate Unveils $118B National Security Bill

Image copyright: Alex Wong/Getty Images News via Getty Images (Oct. 25, 2017)

The Facts

  • On Sunday, US Senators unveiled a $118B bipartisan bill aimed at boosting security at the US-Mexico border and providing wartime aid to Ukraine and Israel.

  • The legislation, characterized as "monumental" by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), earmarks $60B to support Ukraine, $14B to support Israel in its war against Hamas, and $10B for humanitarian assistance in conflict zones. Additional funds include supporting security operations in the Red Sea and balancing China in the Indo-Pacific region.

The Spin

Republican narrative

The new Senate bill is just a stop-gap and an inadequate one at that. It does nothing to tackle the catastrophe along the Mexico border that the Biden administration has let brew. It barely attempts to touch upon matters that the Democrats had, till now, chosen to ignore. The White House must prioritize the southern border and take a hard look at its overseas engagements and whether it makes sense to prioritize military assistance for Israel over Ukraine.

Democratic narrative

Both Republicans and Democrats have put in months of hard work to shape the bipartisan border deal introduced on Sunday. It's a fair starting point in a long journey to foster a solid and effective immigration policy. The GOP hard right shouldn't hold US aid to its allies hostage due to grandstanding in an election year. The White House is committed to border security and supporting America's allies in a responsible manner.

Metaculus Prediction

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