VP Pick Vance's Speech Caps Day 3 of RNC

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The Facts

  • Former Pres. Donald Trump's running mate, US Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, addressed the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Wednesday, making the argument that as vice president he would fight for "forgotten communities" in Rust Belt states and draw on his experience growing up poor in Ohio and Kentucky.

  • Vance, 39, recapped his path from his rural upbringing to his time in the US Marines, at Yale Law School, and eventually the Senate. He also accused "America's ruling class" of destroying rural communities with trade agreements and foreign wars.

The Spin

Republican narrative

The third day of the RNC was sheer political perfection, and Vance's eloquent speech was the ultimate way to end such a great night. Beyond making an outstanding pitch for working-class Americans' votes, Vance also shined on camera — proving the GOP now understands the importance of style in addition to substance. The Republican ticket is in good hands with Vance and Trump.

Democratic narrative

Vance may have delivered a speech high in style, but there was zero substance to it — including no mention of the numerous extreme positions he has on key issues, which have bubbled up since Trump tabbed him to be his No. 2. It may have been his strategy to focus on the convention's theme of unity rather than his alarming political views, but he won't be able to hide them for long.

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