White House Warns Texas Against Blocking Border Patrol Access

Image copyright: Brandon Bell/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The White House on Sunday reportedly issued a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to allow US Border Patrol access to the crossing with Mexico near the border town of Eagle Pass before this Wednesday.

  • US Department of Homeland Security lawyer Jonathan Meyer wrote to Paxton warning that the matter would be referred to the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) if the state continues to block federal agents.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Abbott is just ratcheting up fear in the run-up to the 2024 US election because current migrant crossings hardly compare to the huge numbers recorded in the early 2000s. The unprecedented blocking of federal agents in the name of tightening border control hides the fact that the current uptick in illegal crossings began before Biden's election. Abbott is playing politics and feeding the border security industry.

Republican narrative

Biden is completely ignoring the immigration crisis. Given the lackluster efforts to deport illegal aliens, what is the true function of the Border Patrol? The "ignoring and enabling" cycle is plaguing the US southern border. This is a massive crisis for the US that the Biden admin. is failing tremendously.

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