Report: UN Warns Climate Plans 'Nowhere Near' 1.5C Goal

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The Spin

Narrative A

The failure of governments to reduce emissions has already resulted in extreme weather events and exposed millions to food and water insecurity, malnutrition, heat-related illness and death, and climate migration. This is only set to worsen as, while rich nations who are responsible for the majority of emissions and have the resources to combat global warming refuse to act, poorer nations face the brunt of climate change.

Narrative B

This report is just the latest iteration of climate alarmism. Time after time the UN and other agencies have warned that our species has reached its end and that it's "now or never," but none of their predictions have come to fruition. After decades of crying wolf no one is listening anymore. We could all do with ignoring the climate alarmists and focusing on the genuine issues facing society today.

Metaculus Prediction

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