CNN's Don Lemon to Undergo 'Formal Training' Following Nikki Haley Remarks

Image copyright: Getty Images [via The New York Post]

The Spin

Narrative A

After losing his solo primetime show due to poor ratings, Lemon has been taking out his frustration on his female colleagues by repeatedly interrupting them, correcting them, and trying to hog the limelight. This latest episode is just the most recent example of his chauvinism and sexism which CNN had, before this higher profile incident, done nothing to stop.

Narrative B

While Lemon's comments are undoubtedly sexist, they are a huge gift to Haley and right-wing pundits, evident in the fact that Haley is already using the clip in ad campaigns. Right-wing media is just claiming to care about sexism while at the same time profiteering from it.

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