Germany Approves Funds for Israeli Arrow-3 Missiles

Germany Approves Funds for Israeli Arrow-3 Missiles
Image copyright: Ronny Hartmann/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Germany’s parliament and budget committee reportedly gave the green light to release advance payments of up to €560M ($607M) on Wednesday for a planned purchase of Israel’s Arrow-3 air defense system in a deal valued at nearly €4B ($4.3B).

  • Israeli manufacturer Israeli Aerospace Industries says the system is designed to shoot down missiles above the Earth's atmosphere from up to 2.4K km (1,490 miles) away. It will reportedly be able to shield other EU nations.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Following Russia’s war on Ukraine, it has become obvious to the West, and Europe in particular, that it must modernize its military defenses. With the acquisition of the Israeli Arrow-3 system and the purchase of the German IRIS-T SLM system — which was also approved Wednesday — Germany is securing an Iron Dome-style air defense system that will help build up a protective umbrella to defend its neighbors as well.

Establishment-critical narrative

The purchase of the Arrow-3 anti-missile system is nothing more than wasteful government spending. The nation's eagerness to burn almost €4B — €1B more than originally estimated — reveals its distorted sense of priorities and a blatant waste of taxpayers' hard-earned money. By indulging in such a costly acquisition, Germany is neglecting other key areas, such as social programs, economic development, and infrastructure.

Metaculus Prediction

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