US, Vietnam Strengthen Partnership During Biden Visit

US, Vietnam Strengthen Partnership During Biden Visit
Image copyright: Wikimedia Commons

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden on Sunday during a visit to Vietnam agreed to a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with the Southeast Asian nation. The deal has a diplomatic piece as well as a business push to boost the production of semiconductors.

  • In turn, Vietnam elevated the US to Hanoi’s highest diplomatic status – on par with China and Russia.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

It’s in the best interest of the US to let bygones be bygones and forge closer diplomatic and trade relationships with Vietnam in the face of China’s increased aggressiveness militarily and economically in the region. Although Vietnam will likely remain close to China, the US will now be on stronger footing by deepening partnerships in the region thanks to Biden's diplomacy.

Republican narrative

Biden is being deceived in his attempt to look tough on China. He's making deals with Vietnam's ruling Communist regime while they continue to maintain tight relations with Beijing and even Moscow. This is good for Vietnam's public diplomacy but ultimately makes the US look weaker.

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