Vatican Clarifies Pope's 'Great Mother Russia' Remark

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The Facts

  • The Vatican has clarified Pope Francis's recent remarks about Russia's imperialist past, arguing that he never intended to encourage imperialistic ideas or Russia's war in Ukraine.

  • In a video address to the 10th All-Russian Catholic Youth Assembly in St. Petersburg on Friday, the pontiff reportedly said: "Never forget your heritage. You are the descendants of great Russia: the great Russia of saints, rulers, the great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, that empire — educated, great culture, and great humanity."

The Spin

Pro-Ukraine narrative

It's disappointing that Pope Francis used his speech to praise the same imperialist Russian leaders that Pres. Vladimir Putin often refers to in justification of his illegal invasion of Ukraine. The pope needs to condemn these actions, not mindlessly repeat the same propaganda spouted by the Kremlin.

Pro-Russia narrative

Pope Francis's comments demonstrate a deep understanding of Russian history and heritage. Peter I and Catherine II were great leaders — the pope didn't commit a crime by encouraging his young audience to uphold their great legacy and ideas. Considering he never even discussed the military operation in Ukraine, the criticism he currently faces is unfortunate.

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