Biden Designates Springfield Race Riot Site as National Monument

Biden Designates Springfield Race Riot Site as National Monument
Above: Pres. Joe Biden on August 16 signs the proclamation designating the site of the Springfield 1908 Race Riot as a National Monument. Image copyright: Anna Moneymaker/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden signed a proclamation under the Antiquities Act to establish the Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument in Illinois on Friday, marking the 116th anniversary of the incident that inspired the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

  • This comes as bills introduced last year in the House of Representatives and Senate to establish a monument to the Springfield Race Riot have stalled despite bipartisan sponsorship.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Given that a bipartisan bill had stalled in Congress, Biden used his executive authority to commemorate this important tragedy in US history. The establishment of the site of the Springfield Race Riot as a national monument will raise awareness over this outrageous episode of racial violence and help the fight against racism.

Republican narrative

Put aside the merit of designating a national monument at the site of the Springfield Race Riot, it's concerning that Biden continues to use his unchecked authority under the Antiquities Act to bypass democratic debate in Congress. While areas of historic importance must indeed be preserved, accountability in the designation process is non-negotiable.

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