Biden Explains Decision to Step Aside

Biden Explains Decision to Step Aside
Above: Pres. Joe Biden returns to the White House on Aug. 12. Image copyright: Kevin Dietsch/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • In an interview CBS aired Sunday, US Pres. Joe Biden for the first time since ending his bid for reelection explained his reasons for stepping aside, including his desire to do what he said would be best for the Democratic Party in its attempt to defeat the Republican nominee, former Pres. Donald Trump.

  • He explained that the "critical issue" for him at the time of his July decision to step aside, and to this day, is "maintaining" the US' democracy, which to him means the "most important thing" to do is beat Trump.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Biden's explanation in this interview jives with the reasoning he gave for stepping aside last month, and further reinforces the sacrifice he was willing to make in order to protect the US from a second Trump term. Not only do the Democrats have a better chance at retaining the White House now, but Biden's legacy as one of the most consequential presidents ever will be sustained.

Republican narrative

Biden has finally admitted what a majority of the country already knew — there was a coup led by Rep. Nancy Pelosi to remove Biden from the ticket despite how well they claim he has done as president. After adamantly staying in the race for weeks after the debate, the president only agreed to step down when Pelosi put the screws to him and things were on the verge of getting ugly.

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