Biden Suggests 'Cannibals' Ate His Uncle in Papua New Guinea

Biden Suggests 'Cannibals' Ate His Uncle in Papua New Guinea
Image copyright: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • During a speech in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, Pres. Joe Biden said his Uncle Ambrose J. Finnegan, who died in World War II, was "shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be... a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea."

  • Though Biden claimed "Uncle Bosie," who he said flew single-engine reconnaissance planes during the war, was eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down, official records suggest the plane had experienced engine failure before crashing into the Pacific Ocean.

  • Furthermore, records show that Finnegan was neither flying the plane nor was it shot down. The investigators reportedly didn't find any trace of the wreckage or his body, and there's no evidence to suggest he came across cannibals.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Some may claim Biden is a liar, for which there's a good bit of evidence, but the reason he made such an outlandish statement this time is his cognitive decline. Even when reading from a teleprompter, Biden often struggles to understand the words written for him. The man in charge of whether or not to go to war shouldn't face these difficulties.

Democratic narrative

Biden is neither a liar nor mentally ill — the president, who is incredibly proud of his family's military history, just misspoke. What's truly remarkable is that those who make such erroneous accusations against Biden are the same ones who defend Trump — who they describe as mentally sharp — when he purposely rags on fallen American heroes.

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