Harris Accused of Plagiarizing in Book

Harris Accused of Plagiarizing in Book
Image copyright: Alex Wong/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Austrian professor Stefan Weber has accused US Vice Pres. Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, of plagiarism in her 2009 book "Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor's Plan to Make Us Safer," co-written with Joan O'C Hamilton.

  • Weber claims he found 27 "fragments" of plagiarism in the book, including a Wikipedia article on Midtown Community Court and an anecdote from Martin Luther King Jr., which he claims Harris "borrowed" as her own childhood memory.

  • Other examples include text allegedly lifted from The Associated Press concerning a 2008 report on high school dropout rates, as well as a press release from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice on crime in High Point, North Carolina.

The Spin

Republican narrative

This is further proof of Harris' deceit of the American people. Unsurprisingly, she's proven again that her words are not her own. After Biden's 1987 presidential campaign was derailed following his own plagiarism saga, it would be fitting for Harris' phony election bid to suffer the same fate.

Democratic narrative

Anyone who thoroughly reviews Harris' book will see that it contains a few instances of minor attribution issues but there's nothing on par with stealing unique arguments or ideas from another author. Republican activists have failed to change the public's opinion of Harris.

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