India: Modi Leads Consecration of Controversial Hindu Temple

India: Modi Leads Consecration of Controversial Hindu Temple
Image copyright: Ritesh Shukla/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Spin

Narrative A

Monday’s celebrations honoring the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya show the unity and joy of Hindus across India. Prime Minister Modi has worked so hard to lift India, and he has the total support of his constituents. While Monday’s ceremony represented joy and inspiration, some leftist detractors seem committed to undermining the holy and symbolic commemoration of Ram. However, these bitter politicians will have to live with the rise of Modi and his party, and the rest of India will celebrate all of the great accomplishments.

Narrative B

Monday's event unveiling the Ram temple was just an egotistical ceremony for Modi, who is desperate to manufacture enthusiasm for his re-election bid. Not only was the event insulting to India's 200M Muslims, but it was also an embarrassment because the temple wasn't even finished. Modi failed to build his vanity temple in time for the elections, yet he was still shameless enough to honor a semi-constructed building. The prime minister is still showing that he cares more about his image than he does India's diverse electorate.

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