Noam Chomsky in Hospital After Suffering Stroke

Noam Chomsky in Hospital After Suffering Stroke
Image copyright: Neilson Barnard/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Noam Chomsky's wife has confirmed to the media this week that her 95-year-old husband, one of the world's most renowned social critics and public intellectuals, is currently hospitalized in Brazil while recovering from a stroke suffered in June 2023.

  • Born in 1928, Chomsky became a full professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1961, having earned a PhD in linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania in 1955 while also sitting as a Junior Fellow at Harvard University. Chomsky has been a public critic of Israel since 1969.

  • Chomsky's absence from public life was first brought to light by UK-based outlet Media Lens who, in a Facebook post last week, stated that they were "surprised and profoundly concerned" that the professor had not commented on current affairs, including ongoing events in Gaza.

The Spin

Progressive narrative

Noam Chomsky is one of the greatest intellectuals and social critics the world has ever seen. Both the father of modern linguistics and a staunch critic of American foreign policy, even in ill health Chomsky continues to be a beacon of hope and resistance for those in Gaza and beyond.

Conservative narrative

Chomsky's highbrow reputation is merely a veil for anti-Israeli hatred. Like many other infamous left-wing critics, the academic has for decades incorrectly used conflict in the Middle East as a template for an overly-simplified perception of a good versus evil — an oppressor versus oppressed world that simply does not match reality.

Political split



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