Pennsylvania Judge Approves Musk's $1M Sweepstake Election Giveaway

Pennsylvania Judge Approves Musk's $1M Sweepstake Election Giveaway
Above: District Attorney Larry Krasner walks down a hallway at City Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 31, 2024, after a hearing regarding Elon Musk's million-dollar cash giveaways to voters. Image copyright: Drew Hallowell/Stringer/ Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas Judge Angelo Foglietta has ruled that Elon Musk's daily $1M giveaway can continue following a lawsuit from Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.

  • Those eligible for the giveaway had to be registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin, who signed a petition to support gun rights and free speech. As of Nov. 5, Musk had selected 18 winners and awarded $16M.

  • Krasner's lawsuit had alleged that the sweepstakes, organized by Musk's America PAC, is an "illegal lottery scheme" that violates Pennsylvania's consumer protection laws and could interfere with the integrity of elections.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

In defending the legality of the giveaway in court, Musk and his PAC have been forced to admit that the scheme was nothing more than a convoluted payout to MAGA supporters in an attempt to promote Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Despite this civil lawsuit being denied, this arguably illegal election scheme could still result in criminal charges against Musk.

Republican narrative

Ultra-progressive, Soros-backed Krasner cares more about suppressing Musk than he does about fixing Philadelphia's rising crime epidemic. This decision is a big political victory for Musk, who continues to face unfair scrutiny by the media and the Democratic establishment for his political views. Maybe Krasner will one day prioritize American freedoms the way Musk does.

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