Pope Urges US Catholics to Choose 'Lesser Evil' for President

Pope Urges US Catholics to Choose 'Lesser Evil' for President
Above: Pope Francis arrives for a visit to Saint Theresa's Home in Singapore on Sept. 13, 2024. Image copyright: TIZIANA FABI/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Pope Francis told journalists aboard the papal plane on Friday that US voters must examine their consciences and "choose the lesser of two evils" when voting in the November presidential election.

  • His remarks came after a CBS News journalist asked the pontiff to advise Catholic voters forced to pick between a pro-abortion rights candidate and one who wants to deport 11M migrants.

  • Without naming Democratic nominee Kamala Harris or Republican nominee Donald Trump, the pope said that he couldn't decide, as both US presidential candidates were "against life."

The Spin

Republican narrative

There must be no doubt that Donald Trump is the only option for Catholic voters in 2024, as he supports the right to life, the right to worship, and the rights of both parents and children. If the Catholics vote for Kamala Harris, they will be supporting their own persecution.

Democratic narrative

Catholic voters must avoid reducing the presidential election to false binary choices. There is no such thing as a perfect Catholic candidate in this vote. However, Harris — unlike Trump — is a person of character whose policies align with Catholics' beliefs.

Narrative C

Whether it's Harris or Trump who wins the White House, American Catholics will remain politically homeless, so it's only natural that Pope Francis has said they should choose the lesser evil rather than endorsing a candidate. Instead of giving their uncritical allegiance to either Democrats or Republicans, Catholics must work across the aisle to better America.

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