Report: Global Military Spending Reached All-Time High in 2023

Report: Global Military Spending Reached All-Time High in 2023
Image copyright: Amir Levy/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published Monday said global military expenditure totaled $2.443T in 2023 — an all-time high.

  • Spending soared 6.8% in real terms relative to 2022, marking the largest annual increase since 2009 — which was also the last year military expenditure increased in all five geographical regions defined by SIPRI.

  • The US continued to account for most of the world’s spending at 37%, while China, which increased its spending by 6%, made up 12% of global military spending. Nan Tian, of SIPRI, said the rise is due to a "global deterioration in peace and security."

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

This report confirms what we already knew about the increase in global military spending led by the US' outdated, neoconservative foreign policy. For the past two years, the US has been funding a proxy war with Russia that has killed thousands of Ukrainians and now it's allowing Israel to instigate a war with Iran that could bring mass destruction. It's time for the US to stop its endless thirst for war.

Pro-establishment narrative

There's been an erosion of diplomacy across the world, led by Russia and Iran's aggression. That has left the free world with little choice but to increase military spending in order to, among other things, help Ukraine fend off Russia. While peace is the ultimate goal, there must be increased commitment to security during these troubling times. The rules-based world order must be fostered and reinforced.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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