Two men, from what appeared to be the climate activist group Declare Emergency, were arrested Wednesday after covering both themselves and the display case of the original US Constitution in red powder at the National Archives building in Washington, D.C.
In a video of the two men standing in front of the document, one can be heard saying, "Joe Biden, you need to declare a climate emergency," with the other calling for the US to "start moving toward real climate solutions."
Following the incident, the area was closed to the public. The documents in the display case — which also include the original Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights — were likely undamaged because the case is bulletproof and moisture-controlled.
Stunts like this are ill-advised, as attacking American history and culture isn't likely to convince anyone to support a greener future. These acts of civil disobedience are pointless and should be punished for the inconvenience they cause.
The harm caused by these acts of civil disobedience pale in comparison to the horrors of climate change. Instead of punishing the perpetrators, governments should take the activists' message to heart and do more to preserve the Earth for future generations.