This mystery has gone on long enough, and it's time for the federal government to figure it out and tell the public. While regular civilian drones are certainly part of it and should be flown legally, the larger ones are more concerning and must be dealt with. Local and state authorities are prepared to help whenever the federal government decides to do something.
While it's unlikely that the government doesn't know what these drones are, the mere potential of that being true makes this an intriguing moment in recent US history. Whether these are of foreign origin or operated by the US government or military contractors for some unknown purpose is anyone's guess. Until we know for sure, the public should pay close attention.
There is no reason for military-grade drones to be flying around at night unless they're looking for something or someone. Potential reasons for these drones include searching for gas leaks or radioactive material, which has occurred before in recent years. If this is the case the government should come clean and be transparent so Americans can stop worrying.