The Facts

  • OVERVIEW: The Second Amendment of the US Constitution enshrines the right to "keep and bear arms." According to the latest Small Arms Survey data, the US had 393M civilian-owned guns in 2017, with more recent estimates sitting at closer to 500M. The FBI reported about 411.5M federal and state firearm background checks from 1998-2021, with 38.9M in 2021 alone. 153.5K transferrals were denied. According to the University of Chicago, 13M guns were on average sold annually from 2010-2019.

  • CURRENT STATE: Gun ownership data is largely based on self-reports. As of July 2024, 42% of adults live in a household with a gun, and 32% own one personally, according to Pew Research. As of 2019, the American Academy of Political and Social Science found that 44% of owned firearms were handguns and 55% were long guns. The CDC reported over 48K firearm-related deaths in 2022, with more than 50% from suicides and over 40% from homicides.

  • GUNS AS AN ELECTION ISSUE: According to Gallup data, 1% of Americans view guns/gun control as the most important problem facing the US as of July, while Pew Research found that 49% view gun violence as a "major problem" and 27% as a "moderately big problem." Gallup found that 56% want stricter gun laws, 31% want no change, and 12% want more lenient rules. Pew found that 86% of Democrats support stricter laws compared to 28% of Republicans, with 52% believing gun ownership makes society safer.

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