Watchdog: AI Being Used to Spread Child Sexual Abuse Material

Watchdog: AI Being Used to Spread Child Sexual Abuse Material
Image copyright: Bill Hinton/Contributor/Moment Mobile Moment Mobile ED via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), a child safety watchdog, says pedophiles are reportedly using advances in AI to spread an increasing volume of child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

  • The UK-based group released an update Monday building on its initial investigative report from October 2023, when it analyzed more than 20K AI-generated images posted to a dark-web CSAM forum in a one-month period.

The Spin

Narrative A

The alarming rate at which it can generate CSAM is yet another reason to be concerned about AI. The efforts of government regulators and tech companies to stop the proliferation of this material have been insufficient so far. More must be done to stop this turbocharged crisis.

Narrative B

When wielded with the right intentions, AI can be a great asset for child safety. With the power of AI, various websites and platforms can more easily identify material that may be inappropriate for minors and remove it immediately. In terms of CSAM, AI is being used to identify victims of child trafficking and abuse online and in real life. A nuanced perspective on AI shows it can also be used for good on a horrific issue like this.

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