The firing squad execution is a barbaric relic that should be abolished. Forcing a man like Brad Sigmon to choose his death — electric chair, lethal injection, or bullets — is evil, stripping him of dignity in his final moments. Lethal injection, while imperfect, offers a less violent, more humane alternative, sparing witnesses the trauma of blood splatter and rifle cracks etched in their memory.
Allowing a man to choose his execution method offers honor and dignity, respecting his final agency. Even Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, who's no ardent death penalty supporter, notes its near-instant, painless nature, contrasting with lethal injection's history of botched, torturous failures — burning eyes and prolonged agony. The firing squad, chosen freely, aligns with humane self-defense, not barbarism.
Every modern execution method — firing squad, lethal injection, and electric chair — is inherently cruel, marred by botched attempts and gruesome outcomes. South Carolina's firing squad revival for Brad Sigmon drags the US backward, echoing a brutal past of burning flesh and slow deaths. Instead of refining killing, we should seek alternatives, as history proves no method escapes cruelty's stain.
The death penalty isn't about coddling killers but deterring heinous crimes — a benefit proven by countless studies on the matter, with each execution preventing multiple murders. Despite this, anti-death penalty activists complain about whether lethal injections are FDA-approved, essentially prioritizing the feelings of murderers over victims. Justice demands deterrence, not sympathy for those who prey on the innocent.