20 March 2024

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Report: Young People Less Happy Than Older Generations

The Facts

  • The US fell out of the top 20 happiest nations in 2024 in the World Happiness Report, mostly because the well-being of American youth has declined. Experts blame society's inability to control social media for the unhappiness of younger generations.

  • The top spot went to Finland, as researchers attributed Scandinavian countries' high ranking to social support and long life expectancies. The US dropped from 15th to 23rd in the ranking, but researchers have identified notable differences between generations.

The Spin

Narrative A

The 2024 World Happiness Report shows significant drops by the US and Germany. And in many Western nations, older people are significantly happier than young people, which may have to do with social media use. Based on increased happiness in Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, Cambodia, Russia, and China, a rich, real-world social life and a social support system seem to boost happiness.

Narrative B

It's possible that the World Happiness Report is skewed towards cultural biases. The report fails to account for the fact that happiness is seen differently among cultures. There are individualistic societies that place a greater emphasis on individuals and their status, while collectivist cultures place a higher value on happiness only if others around them are equally happy. The report doesn't appear to take these vital cultural differences into consideration.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the average overall Global Health Security Index score for 2030 will be at least 48.7, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Article 23: Hong Kong Legislature Passes New National Security Law

The Facts

  • Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo) passed on Tuesday the Safeguarding National Security Bill — otherwise known as Article 23 — a new national security law that some human rights organizations and foreign governments have said would roll back freedoms and silence dissent.

  • The legislation approved by all 89 lawmakers, including the LegCo president, states that citizens found to have committed treason, insurrection, incitement to mutiny, and sabotage endangering national security in collusion with an external force will see life imprisonment.

The Spin

Pro-China narrative

Hong Kong's security legislation is a further indicator of Beijing's success in ensuring the safety and prosperity of Greater China. While ensuring the protection of personal freedoms, Article 23 will allow Hong Kong to appropriately expand its powers in defense against all those who seek to undermine the region as its flourishing relationship with the central government continues to grow.

Anti-China narrative

Oppression, already permeating all levels of society in Hong Kong, will now only grow stronger and deeper as Beijing continues to clamp down against any potential challenge to its authoritarian rule. While the people of Hong Kong will continue to fight for hope and freedom, history will likely look back at the passing of Article 23 as a dark day for hope, democracy, and human rights.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that Hong Kong will no longer be a Special Administrative Region of China by September 2046, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Republic of Ireland: Prime Minister Varadkar to Step Down

The Facts

  • Leo Varadkar has announced he will be stepping down as the Republic of Ireland's (ROI) taoiseach (prime minister). This decision comes days after his coalition government failed to pass two referendums.

  • Varadkar cited both "personal and political" reasons for his decision. While stepping down as leader of the Fine Gael Party with immediate effect, Varadkar will remain as taoiseach until a successor is decided in an election set to take place by April 16.

The Spin

Left narrative

Despite the referendum defeats, Varadkar's decision to step down is surprising and disappointing. Varadkar's outcries against the war in Gaza and his role during Brexit and the COVID pandemic showed he's a voice that could've been crucial in the future. But as the first openly gay European leader and the son of an immigrant, his tenure will undoubtedly leave its mark on Ireland's history.

Right narrative

With two embarrassing referendum results and his obsession with progressive optics and rhetoric over real change, Varadkar's resignation is a favor to ROI. A man of little conviction outside of the whims of the urban elites of Dublin, the majority of the country will be pleasantly surprised that the opportunity has arisen to move in a new direction.

Nerd narrative

There's a 45% chance that Ireland and Northern Ireland will reunite before Jan. 1, 2051, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Scientists Cut Out HIV DNA From Infected Cells

The Facts

  • Scientists at the Netherlands' Amsterdam University Medical Center say they've used the Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology to remove all traces of HIV from infected cells in a laboratory.

  • In their research, presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, the scientists applied CRISPR-Cas "scissors" to cut the HIV DNA at designated spots.

The Spin

Narrative A

Existing HIV medications can stop the spread of the virus but can't eliminate it. This research raises hopes that the deadly infectious illness can be completely cured through a robust and safe CRISPR-Cas regimen, which can track down and chop the virus in secret reservoirs. Though the research won't immediately translate into a cure, these preliminary findings are encouraging.

Narrative B

HIV creates a secret reservoir of infected cells that remain hidden from the immune system and antiretroviral therapy, which is why, while its future may look promising, further research is needed to ensure the technology would be safe and effective to rid a patient of HIV completely. As this is not peer-reviewed, a full evaluation of the research is necessary to address its possible long-term side effects.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that a vaccine for HIV will be administered to 10M people by October 2028, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Pentagon Chief: Ukraine's Survival in Danger

The Facts

  • At a time when US funding for Ukraine has essentially dried up, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday that Ukraine's survival is at risk.

  • Speaking to reporters after a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany, Lloyd said: "Today, Ukraine's survival is in danger and America's security is at risk. I leave here today fully determined to keep US security assistance and ammunition flowing. And that's a matter of survival and sovereignty for Ukraine and it's a matter of honor and security for America."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

While the situation may feel distant to politicians and spectators in the West, that's not the case for those facing the brunt of Russian attacks. Without ammunition and artillery, Ukraine is being left almost defenseless and it's imperative that this situation is rectified urgently if Ukraine is to stand any chance.

Pro-Russia narrative

Aside from the avoidable loss of Ukrainian territory and men throughout this conflict, Ukraine's counteroffensive has failed and Kyiv is now losing the war. More money for arms will simply bring about more death and destruction. Ukraine would never have fought this war against Russia without US and EU weapons. Now that these weapons are running dry, Ukraine must accept the reality that Russia will never cease its defense of the Donbas or Crimea.

Nerd narrative

There is a 7% chance there will be a bilateral cease-fire or peace agreement in the Russo-Ukraine conflict in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Ohio's Moreno Among 3 Trump-Backed Primary Winners

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, Republican candidates endorsed by former Pres. Donald Trump, who has clinched enough delegates to earn the GOP presidential nomination, won their primaries in Ohio, Illinois, and California.

  • Autodealer Bernie Moreno won the Ohio Senate primary, US Rep. Mike Bost held off a primary challenger in his Illinois district, and state Rep. Vince Fong won a plurality of votes in the special election to replace US Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Fong will compete in a runoff in May.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

Trump has once again shifted the balance of power in down-ballot races, a sure sign Republicans will enjoy majorities in both the House and Senate to start the former president's second term. Trump's popularity was never more powerful than in Ohio, where he twice helped Moreno pull ahead in a tight race. That should translate to Republicans finally ousting Brown.

Democratic narrative

Democrats should celebrate and Republicans should be leery of getting behind Trump-backed candidates in 2024. The unpopularity of Republican policies has increased ever since Trump took office in 2016, with even conservative-leaning states like Ohio rejecting candidates and issues on the ballot that don't reflect their values in the past two midterms and in 2020. Trump isn't the kingmaker he thinks he is.

Nerd narrative

There is a 75% chance that the GOP will control the Senate after the 2024 election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Vietnam's President Resigns

The Facts

  • Just over a year since his election, Vietnam's ruling Communist Party has accepted the resignation of Pres. Vo Van Thuong, whom it accused of having "shortcomings" that "negatively impacted public opinion, affecting the reputation of the Party, State and him personally."

  • While the presidency is seen as a largely nominal position, it is one of the four highest offices in Vietnam's government. The government decided to remove Thuong after a special parliamentary session on "personnel matters."

The Spin

Narrative A

The Vietnamese government has clear rules regarding office holders' conduct, which Thuong decided to violate and thus forced him to relinquish all official duties. Thuang's corrupt actions have resulted in the public's distrust of their leaders, which is why the Central Committee had to step in and remove him from his position of influence.

Narrative B

Despite the country's recent economic success — thanks to a manufacturing boom for companies such as Nike, Adidas, and Lululemon — Vietnam is a tightly controlled communist dictatorship. The removal of Pres. Thuong, as was the case for his predecessor, simply means the ruling party's major power players wanted him gone.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that there will be at least four communist states in 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Trump Suing ABC News for Defamation

The Facts

  • Former Pres. Donald Trump on Monday filed a defamation suit against ABC News and host George Stephanopoulos over comments the anchor made about the ruling against Trump in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case.

  • The suit focuses on Stephanopoulos, during an interview with US Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), saying Trump was found guilty of "rape." The jury in Carroll's civil trial ruled Trump "sexually abused" her but found she did not prove rape.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

Kudos to Trump for fighting back against the slanderous media. Stephanopoulos and ABC News lied about Trump in order to score cheap political points while thinking they were above the law. It's bad enough that Carroll and a corrupt system are attempting to drain Trump of his resources — Stephanopoulos shouldn't be allowed to lie to his viewers about the judgment against the former president without paying a price.

Anti-Trump narrative

Trump's desperate attempt to obtain quick cash is going nowhere. Beyond the fact that he has a high bar to clear in order to prove defamation of a public figure, what Stephanopoulos said was close to the truth. The jury found Carroll didn't prove rape under New York's narrow standard, but what Trump was found liable of doing would be considered rape in other jurisdictions.

Nerd narrative

There's a 65% chance that Trump will be found guilty of any crime in the Manhattan case before Election Day 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Bolsonaro Indicted Over Alleged Fraud in COVID Vaccine Records

The Facts

  • Brazil's Supreme Court unveiled on Tuesday an indictment against former Pres. Jair Bolsonaro for allegedly falsifying COVID vaccination records in the country's public health database for his own benefit and that of his daughter.

  • Police claim that the conservative leader, while in office, ordered one of his aides to manipulate vaccine certificates so that they could enter the US at a time when proof of vaccination was still required for entry.

The Spin

Left narrative

Bolsonaro presided over one of the worst COVID responses in the world as he claimed vaccines were ineffective. It appears his corrupt ways and spreading of misinformation have finally caught up to him. On top of that, he instigated a coup d'etat after he lost in a free and fair election. This forgery scandal is one of many that show his character as an amoral demagogue. Hopefully, justice will be served in this and the many other cases he's faced with.

Right narrative

You don't have to be a Bolsonaro supporter to see that Lula is using the judicial system to punish his predecessor. Lula is a leftist career politician who was convicted on corruption charges before they were stunningly reversed by activist judges. Right-leaning figures across the nation are being censored, and checks and balances are being curtailed as the legal system is increasingly used as a weapon against opponents. Leftist institutions are being weaponized against Bolsonaro.

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DeSantis Might Send Haitian Migrants to Martha's Vineyard

The Facts

  • Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday in an interview with conservative radio host Dana Loesch hinted he might send Haitian migrants, who are fleeing to his state illegally because of the island's gang crisis, to Martha’s Vineyard.

  • Previously, DeSantis last week announced the deployment of additional security and surveillance personnel to the Florida Keys in anticipation of an influx of migrants from Haiti. He said in his interview that it’s easier to return them home if they’re apprehended at sea.

The Spin

Republican narrative

DeSantis has an obligation to protect his state, and although it's tragic that Haiti has descended into chaos, the US has no obligation to accept thousands of people. If the federal government won't allow Florida to return migrants who enter the US illegally home, then DeSantis has no choice but to send them to the Democrat-run states that are actively inviting this mass migration.

Democratic narrative

DeSantis is showing he lacks basic human empathy and only cares about scoring political points. These refugees are desperate to get out of crisis-stricken Haiti, yet DeSantis and other Republicans have no worries rejecting them or shipping them farther from home. This is particularly galling considering how many leaders of Florida's Haitian-American community have friends and family stuck in this chaos.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the rate of immigration enforcement in the US in 2024, as a percentage of removals to encounters, will be at least 6%, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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