19 March 2024

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Texas Immigration Law Blocked by Appeals Court Pending Hearing

The Facts

  • Late Tuesday, the Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to lift an administrative stay and prevent Texas from enforcing, while under appeal, the state's law permitting officials to detain and prosecute migrants who illegally cross the Southern border. The appeals court was set to hold a hearing about the law Wednesday.

  • Previously on Tuesday, the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) had sided with Texas, allowing the state to enforce the law despite one day earlier extending the administrative stay pausing the law on administrative grounds.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

It's a no-brainer that only the federal government has the powers over immigration policy and it's illogical for Texas's Republican government to upend this. Thinking that SCOTUS would upend federal responsibilities was a miscalculation by the Lone Star State.

Republican narrative

Border control and immigration are areas over which both the federal and state governments have responsibilities and powers. It's the Biden administration's failure to tackle the situation along the Southern border that's caused this situation — Texas has every right to assume immigration duties.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that at least 9.1% of the US population will live in Texas in the next census, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Donald Trump Defends 'Bloodbath' Comment

The Facts

  • Former US President Donald Trump on Monday defended his controversial warning over the weekend that the country would suffer a "bloodbath" if he loses the presidential election in November to President Joe Biden.

  • Trump blamed the "'Fake News Media" on his Truth Social platform for deliberately misinterpreting his statement when he was "simply referring to imports allowed" Biden, which he claimed "are killing the automobile industry."

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

Trump intentionally left room for interpretation, knowing that his MAGA supporters would appreciate the message of political violence. The unmistakable nature of his statement becomes evident in the context of his other rhetoric dehumanizing immigrants, downplaying white supremacist violence, or defending his supporters convicted of storming the Capitol. Trump proved once again that he's a dangerous faux populist and calculating agitator who can't be allowed to return to the White House.

Pro-Trump narrative

As usual, the liberal establishment-controlled media has taken Trump's statement out of context, as he was clearly referring to the US auto industry. It should also be noted that the automobile industry is indeed facing disaster if Biden continues to promote PRC-made electric vehicles. It's by no means surprising that the left-leaning media has lost the trust of the American people, and this latest hoax will increase rather than decrease Trump's prospects of winning the election.

Nerd narrative

There is a 55% chance that Trump will win if the 2024 US presidential election is Trump vs. Biden, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Pakistan Accused in Deadly Afghanistan Air Strikes

The Facts

  • In reaction to a deadly militant attack on Saturday that killed seven Pakistani soldiers, Pakistan launched "intelligence-based anti-terrorist operations" in the Khost and Paktika region along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  • On X, formerly Twitter, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid denied responsibility for Saturday's attack on Pakistani forces and blamed Pakistan for the attack that killed eight women and children. He warned Pakistan not to blame the Taliban for Islamabad's internal issues problems.

The Spin

Narrative A

Terrorist organizations like the TTP pose a combined threat to regional peace and security, according to Pakistan. They frequently launch terror attacks on Pakistani security forces and civilians from Afghan territory. Islamabad does not want to escalate the conflict. Instead, it seeks a collaborative solution to a common problem. Above all, terrorist organizations should not be allowed to sabotage bilateral relations.

Narrative B

Kabul condemns the death of innocent women and children within Afghanistan's borders. The Pakistani attack constitutes a clear violation of Afghan sovereignty. Pakistan is said to have attacked a militant insurgency, yet there were no militants present, simply harmless refugees from Waziristan. If Pakistan continues to carry out illegal airstrikes within Afghanistan, Afghan security forces will strike back.

Nerd narrative

There is an 80% chance Pakistan will recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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'RBG Award' Ceremony Canceled Over Objections to Musk, Murdoch

The Facts

  • The Dwight D. Opperman Foundation has canceled its Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) Leadership Award for 2024, following criticism over the organization's choice of honorees.

  • Without mentioning recipients, the late justice's family in a statement called this year's selections — which they have no say on — "an affront to the memory of our mother and grandmother." It's widely believed they're objecting to the honoring of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch.

The Spin

Left narrative

Individuals like Musk and Murdoch have no business being near any award named after Ginsburg. But it's no surprise Opperman, a Republican donor, attempted to bestow the award on two sharers of her political views. The foundation and the award have lost all legitimacy.

Right narrative

This award has always been apolitical, but because of the unfounded rhetoric of the Ginsburg family and left-leaning pundits, it now features exclusion. There's no reason why this award couldn't expand to include men and people with different political views. Cancel culture has struck again.

Nerd narrative

There's a 12% chance that the US Supreme Court will see a change in its composition in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Study: Intermittent Fasting Tied to Cardiovascular Death Risk

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • According to a study conducted by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, time-restricted eating, or intermittent fasting, could be linked to a higher risk of dying from heart disease.

  • The analysis, presented at the American Heart Association's scientific sessions in Chicago on Monday, is based on data collected by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention between 2003 and 2018.

The Spin

Narrative A

It's too early to reject intermittent fasting — which promotes better sleep and metabolic function because it's better aligned with circadian rhythms — based on one study alone. Moreover, scientists haven't explained exactly why time-restricted eating could heighten the risk of cardiovascular death. Just because it could reduce muscle mass over time doesn't imply that intermittent fasting may kill its followers. This research must be peer-reviewed before it can rock the scientific consensus on healthy diets.

Narrative B

The "168" diet has become an increasingly popular way to lose weight. However, intermittent fasting can increase cravings, which may lead to unhealthy food choices. While it could be beneficial in the short term, intermittent fasting's long-term effects must be investigated, particularly with people who are already predisposed to cardiovascular death. This research doesn't suggest any recommendation against the fad; it simply recommends caution for those who have been doing time-restricted eating for years.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that at least 7.1% of US adults will self-report to follow a vegetarian diet in 2028, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Japan Raises Interest Rates for First Time Since 2007

The Facts

  • For the first time in 17 years, Japan's central bank, the Bank of Japan (BOJ), raised interest rates. The bank's short-term rate will jump from -0.1% to between zero and 0.1%.

  • Japan also announced an end to its negative interest rate policy, which featured depositors paying to put their money in banks and borrowers receiving cheap loans and was started in 2016 to boost borrowing in the face of an idle economy.

The Spin

Narrative A

After Japan endured debilitating deflation for over three decades, its economy is now dealing with rapid inflation that could have equally unsettling effects. Negative interest rates, which continued past the pandemic and into the post-pandemic inflationary surge, could combine with historic wage increases to put the country on track to fall into a devastatingly volatile economy if its monetary policy isn't fixed.

Narrative B

Raising interest rates will help the largest financial institutions, who wished for this policy change so they could up-charge their customers to increase profits. But small business loan providers who rely on bottom-level rates their customers can afford won't benefit from this. Under the previous system, smaller banks had more cash to invest in long-term bonds, an advantage that will end once interest rates surpass those bonds' yields.

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Blinken Reaffirms 'Ironclad' Support for the Philippines

The Facts

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken reaffirmed Washington's "ironclad" security commitments to the Philippines during a visit to the country on Tuesday amid mounting tensions between Manila and Beijing over disputed areas of the South China Sea.

  • Under their 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty, the US is bound to defend the Southeast Asian nation if Philippine forces, vessels, or aircraft ever come under an armed attack anywhere in the South China Sea.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

As China grows aggressive in the South China Sea and has consistently harassed Philippine vessels, it's crucial that freedom-loving countries stand together to protect a free and open Indo-Pacific. Hopefully, bolstered security ties will help deter further aggressive actions and make Beijing understand that all nations benefit from peace in the region.

Establishment-critical narrative

This statement reasserts that Washington sees the Philippines as both a base and a proxy to create geopolitical troubles in the South China Sea and bring regional strategic confrontation to a level unmatched since the end of the Cold War. Emboldened by America's support, Manila has illegally intruded into Chinese waters and challenged Beijing's historic rights.

Nerd narrative

There's a 15% chance that there will be a new confrontation between Chinese and Philippine military vessels before April 1, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Trump Ally Navarro Begins Prison Sentence

The Facts

  • One day after the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) rejected his attempt to remain free, Peter Navarro, the White House trade advisor to former Pres. Donald Trump, surrendered at a Miami federal prison Tuesday to begin serving a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress.

  • Navarro was convicted last September for defying a Democratic-led House committee’s subpoena.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

Navarro, like Trump, is a victim of the corrupt Biden regime's weaponization of the justice system. Navarro didn't commit a crime, and it's unconstitutional to hold him in prison while he continues to attempt to clear his name. Sadly, Roberts showed he may also be part of the lawfare strategy being used against Trump and his allies.

Anti-Trump narrative

Navarro should be grateful he's only facing four months behind bars for contempt of Congress instead of the life sentence a treason conviction could bring him for his role in scheduling the Jan. 6 riots. Like Trump, Navarro has shown no regard for the rule of law and even a Republican-leaning SCOTUS disagreed with his pleas for mercy. He must be held accountable.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Trump will be convicted of a felony before the 2024 presidential election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Nvidia Unveils 'Superchips' to Power AI

The Facts

  • Nvidia, a top global computer chip manufacturing company for artificial intelligence (AI) technology, announced its newest series of graphics processing unit (GPU) chips.

  • The new chips, named Blackwell chips after the scholar David Blackwell, consist of 208B transistors, requiring more powerful production techniques, and have the ability to link to other chips.

The Spin

Narrative A

Nvidia is on a roll and is only growing stronger. Despite its stock taking a dip following this announcement — likely due to a quick sell-the-news reaction — some estimates project the company to reach $1.2K per share. The optimistic outlook is reasonable given that its latest line of hardware is 30 times as powerful as previous generations, and the expectation of companies including Amazon, Apple, Google, and Meta to use these new chips.

Narrative B

Since the emergence of the AI craze, governments across the world have rightly voiced concerns over software. However, the only way generative AI software can be advanced is if the hardware that powers it advances. Leading AI companies like Amazon, Microsft, and Google are also the only ones able to purchase these chips, so there should be laws in place to discourage monopolization and allow smaller innovators a chance to thrive in the market.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that a humanoid robot will be created that the general public judges as indistinguishable from humans by September 2049, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Impeachment: House Dems Invite Former Giuliani Associate

The Facts

  • House Democrats are inviting Lev Parnas, a former associate of Rudy Giuliani’s, to testify during Wednesday’s impeachment inquiry hearing to Pres. Joe Biden. Parnas claims he worked with Giuliani in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

  • Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said that Parnas was invited because he was the "right-hand man" on Giuliani’s "original mission to smear Joe Biden" by claiming that he and his son sold favors to foreign businesses and governments.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

The GOP's sham impeachment of Pres. Biden continues to flounder, yet House Republicans insist on wasting time and money on their political charade. Republicans keep trotting out the same two witnesses who repeat the same, unverifiable claims about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, but we are no closer to finding a shred of evidence against the president or his family. Hopefully, Wednesday’s hearing will allow Lev Parnas to discuss Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani’s nefarious efforts to spread lies about the Bidens using foreign intelligence.

Republican narrative

While the corporate media acts as the de facto state media of the Biden administration, the truth remains that the House’s impeachment inquiry is heating up, and multiple criminal referrals are on the horizon. The Biden family has been selling out America for decades in criminal activity, and there is direct evidence that Hunter Biden used his father's position to leverage millions of dollars from Ukrainian businesses. Biden and his allies may try to obstruct a legitimate investigation, but they can only obstruct justice for so long.

Nerd narrative

There is a 17% chance that Joe Biden will be impeached by the US House of Representatives, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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