05 April 2024

Daily Newsletter

Microsoft: China's AI Will Disrupt US, SKorea, India Elections

The Facts

  • On Friday, Microsoft's threat intelligence report warned that China plans to influence upcoming elections in the US, India, and South Korea using AI-generated material, with Taiwan's presidential election serving as a practice run.

  • China and North Korea are reportedly sponsoring groups to develop and spread AI-generated content on social media to advance their positions. While the impact is currently projected to be low, Microsoft warned against its potential growth.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Microsoft's Threat Intelligence report presents a strong and unequivocal warning about the potential threat posed by Chinese and North Korean cyber warriors. These groups might attempt to disrupt the upcoming high-profile elections by utilizing AI-generated content to manipulate voters. China, in particular, has militarized social media platforms like TikTok and is using various tools such as memes, videos, and audio to try to influence voters their way. This threat must be urgently addressed.

Pro-China narrative

China's policy remains clear. Beijing does not interfere in other nations' internal affairs — including general elections. Accordingly, China will not disrupt the US 2024 presidential election. President Joe Biden received assurances of this by President Xi Jinping when the two met last November. Instead, China hopes the two countries can build a relationship that respects each other's sovereignty and promotes peace and prosperity.

Nerd narrative

There is an 80% chance that the United States government either ban TikTok or force a sale before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Macron: Russia Will Target Paris Olympics

The Facts

  • French Pres. Emmanuel Macron on Thursday said that he had "no doubt" Russia will attempt to target the 2024 Paris Olympics.

  • This is the first time Macron has explicitly acknowledged the possibility of foreign threats to the security of the games, which will take place against the complex backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza conflicts.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

The war in Ukraine adds another layer to fears that the Paris Olympics could be attacked or exploited by dictatorial regimes like Russia for propaganda purposes. France is evaluating terrorist threats ahead of the event following the recent attack on a Moscow concert hall. Their strong security measures aside, French officials acknowledge the broader geopolitical tensions and potential for cyber-attacks.

Pro-Russia narrative

Russia has no plans to disrupt the upcoming Olympics, and suggestions that Moscow has some scheme to interrupt the competition is propagandist vilification. Russian athletes have the right to equal treatment and the onus for maintaining the safety of competitors and spectators should rest with the host nation — France.

Nerd narrative

There's an 8% chance that there will be a direct conflict between Russia and any NATO member state before 2027, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Somalia Expels Ethiopian Ambassador Amid Port Deal Dispute

The Facts

  • Somalia on Thursday expelled Ethiopia's ambassador and closed the East African country's consulates in Hargeisa, Somaliland's capital, and in Garowe, the capital of the semi-autonomous Puntland.

  • Somalia's Foreign Ministry ordered Mukhtar Mohamed to leave the country within 72 hours after the office of Prime Minister Abdi Barre accused Ethiopia of violating the country's sovereignty by meddling in its internal affairs.

The Spin

Narrative A

Given the illegal deal between Ethiopia and the separatist Somaliland region, the Somali government's decision is justified. Neither the AU nor the UN recognizes Somaliland as a separate political entity, and the US also denounces Ethiopia's move. If Addis Ababa goes ahead with its plans to finally gain access to the Gulf of Aden, the entire region will destabilize. The only way to resolve the crisis is for Ethiopia to abandon the Somaliland deal.

Narrative B

Shutting down Ethiopia's embassy and consulates is an outrageous overreaction by Mogadishu that will further fuel bilateral tensions. The port deal is a sovereign decision by two independent nations, and by simply not recognizing it, Mogadishu disregards international law and the inherent right to self-determination. Somalia's stance may have dire regional repercussions, and Mogadishu should seek a diplomatic solution rather than damage diplomatic relations.

Narrative C

The escalating Somali-Ethiopian conflict needs to be seen in the context of the growing geopolitical rivalry in the Horn of Africa and its strategic location on the Red Sea. The Gulf States, Turkey, Iran as well as the US, China, and Russia are all involved and Ethiopia's desire to gain access to the sea and the resulting dispute could exacerbate the ongoing Red Sea crisis. All parties need to redouble their efforts to avoid further escalation and promote regional peace and prosperity.

Nerd narrative

There's a 33% chance that Ethiopia will formally recognize Somaliland in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Google Considers Charging for Premium Search Engine

The Facts

  • The Financial Times (FT) has reported that Google is considering charging users for access to "premium" artificial intelligence (AI) features of the technology company's search engine.

  • The report claims that Google's standard search engine will remain free, while both the company's traditional and premium services will be accompanied by advertisements. In a press statement, Google claimed that it was "not working on or considering an ad-free search experience."

The Spin

Narrative A

If Google goes through with a plan to charge a subscription fee for using AI search, it'll risk alienating its users. If people don't think AI search is that much of an improvement on regular search, they won't want to pay. Google would be better off finding new ways to monetize AI search, whether it's through different forms of ads or a referral fee from brands.

Narrative B

Google is wise to consider every revenue stream possible when it comes to its AI search, which will come with increased costs to the company. Although it has yet to see its market share decrease during the uptick in the AI bonanza, Google knows it can't be complacent and just rely on its name and/or the current revenue model to keep it on top.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Google will be supplanted as the top search engine in the world by market share by July 2046, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Guatemala: Former Military Leader Stands Trial for Genocide

The Facts

  • Manuel Benedicto Lucas García, who served as head of Guatemala's army for seven months in the early 1980s, was set to stand trial Friday on charges of genocide.

  • This comes as a national court for high-risk crimes adjourned the first hearing against the former general last week to allow a public defender to get familiar with the case after two lawyers of Lucas García resigned.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Given that the evidence against Lucas García is overwhelming, he should be found guilty. However, because Guatemala's judicial system is well-known for its tendency to favor foreign interests rather than those of its citizens, a negative outcome would be no surprise. It's important to remember that the Reagan administration actively backed this genocidal regime.

Pro-establishment narrative

When courts in Guatemala target former leaders, be it Benedicto Lucas García or the late dictator Ríos Montt, on genocide charges, it's their political beliefs that are in the spotlight rather than their real crimes — otherwise, war criminal insurgents should also face charges. That's easier to understand when only America is unfairly blamed for third-party crimes.

Nerd narrative

There's a 40% chance that Guatemala will experience a successful coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Indian Govt. Ordered Assassinations in Pakistan

The Facts

  • On Thursday, The Guardian reported that the Indian government conducted targeted killings of individuals in neighboring Pakistan as part of a bid to eliminate alleged terrorists operating from foreign soil.

  • Citing intelligence inputs from both sides of the border, as well as evidence provided by Pakistani investigators, the article claims India's foreign intelligence agency has orchestrated at least 20 such assassinations since 2019.

The Spin

Narrative A

This is anti-India propaganda intended to tarnish the image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a time when the country heads to the polls in a vote to extend his rule. Unlike the terror state of Pakistan, India doesn't conduct targeted killings in other countries — and Islamabad has already said that local gangs were to blame for these killings.

Narrative B

This report lends credence to previous allegations that New Delhi has been plotting unlawful extrajudicial assassinations in foreign countries for years. Since the prime minister's office controls the RAW, such covert operations couldn't have been carried out without Modi's approval. It's shameful that India acts as if it's above the law.

Nerd narrative

There's a 15% chance that there will be 10 or more armed forces conflict deaths between India and Pakistan in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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No Labels Won't Run 'Unity' Ticket in '24 Presidential Race

The Facts

  • No Labels, a bipartisan third-party political organization, Thursday announced it was ending its pursuit of a "unity" ticket to enter the 2024 US presidential race against Democratic Pres. Joe Biden and Republican former Pres. Donald Trump.

  • In a statement, No Labels said it wasn't able to "identify candidates with a credible path to winning the White House."

The Spin

Narrative A

In one way No Labels accomplished its goal of bringing people of different political persuasions together. But a bipartisan group of politicians turned the organization down because they were certain a No Labels run would clear a path for Trump's return to the White House. No Labels also did itself no favors by being secretive about its fundraising. The demise of No Labels is for the best.

Narrative B

No Labels was the wrong organization at the wrong time, and it proved that America is comfortable with the two-party system because it couldn't attract a candidate at a time when the two nominees were historically unpopular. Biden is particularly vulnerable, so any third-party candidates that remain in the race could still derail his attempt to remain in the White House.

Nerd narrative

There is a 2% chance that a third-party or independent candidate will win at least 15% of the popular vote in the 2024 US presidential election, according to Metaculus prediction community.

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US Job Growth Spikes, Unemployment Falls to 3.8%

The Facts

  • US employers exceeded expectations in March, adding 303K more nonfarm jobs, while the unemployment rate fell to 3.8%.

  • The rise beat Dow Jones' estimate of 200K job additions, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Average hourly earnings rose 4.1% from a year ago.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Biden can celebrate this significant achievement, marking the 39th consecutive month of job growth. During his presidency, 15M jobs have been created — starkly contrasting with the crisis he inherited. Now he must project his message to the masses to bolster his reelection chances.

Republican narrative

Biden shouldn't celebrate too much, because there are still larger problems underpinning the economy, exacerbated by his administration's failed policies. Long-term projections foresee budget deficits growing steadily, and attribute much to his ongoing public spending splurges.

Nerd narrative

There's a 47% chance that the US unemployment rate will be above 4% in November 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Earthquake Shakes Northeast US

The Facts

  • An earthquake of at least 4.8 magnitude hit Lebanon, N.J., Friday morning local time, about 45 miles (72 km) west of New York City and 50 miles (80 km) north of Philadelphia. It was felt in surrounding areas by more than 42M people.

  • The earthquake's tremors were reportedly felt as far north as Maine and as far south as Delaware.

The Spin

Narrative A

This news should prompt a discussion about the climate-related causes of earthquakes. Seismic shifts in the Earth's geology aren't typically caused by climate change, but a rise in impacts, such as flooding and sea level rise, can weigh the ground and allow quakes to occur more often, even in places where they rarely happen. Climate change touches every aspect of our planet and requires holistic solutions.

Narrative B

Climate alarmists, who try to turn every natural phenomenon into a cause for concern, are overreacting again. These fearmongers have done everything in their power to riddle society with climate anxiety, but their tactics are in bad faith. Geologic events like this one do happen occasionally in the Northeast US and there are practical steps that can be taken to increase earthquake preparedness without plunging, once again, into climate fantasies.

Nerd narrative

There's a 25% chance that there will be an 8.0 magnitude or greater earthquake in the Pacific Northwest before Jan. 1, 2034, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Reports: Israel Using Sophisticated AI in War in Gaza

The Facts

  • As the war in Gaza enters its seventh month, the media has increasingly reported on Israel's use of AI-based technologies to assist it in several areas of the war. On Friday, The Intercept reported that Israel's use of Google Photos violated the company's rules.

  • Israel has reportedly used Google Photos for its facial recognition program in Gaza, with an Israeli official saying it worked better than any alternative facial recognition tech and assisted in making a "hit list" of alleged Hamas fighters who participated in the Oct. 7 attack.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

AI-based systems in war don't have to be perfect, they just need to be better than humans. Of course, there's always a danger that policymakers will go too far using AI in war, but that doesn't mean that AI-based intelligence gathering and weapons systems have to be limited altogether. The AI arms race is here and countries must adapt to this new frontier.

Establishment-critical narrative

This could very well be a war crime. Israel is using systems that are largely untested and are known to make errors. Still they've put together "kill lists" with as many as 37K names on them, with humans monitoring the AI as nothing more than a rubber stamp rather than a check on the technology's accuracy. This is why there are so many civilian deaths and Israel must be held accountable.

Technoskeptic narrative

Israel's use of AI in its brutal war in Gaza demonstrates the necessity of approaching technological development with caution. These dystopian programs acquire and kill targets with ruthless efficiency and little oversight. There must be a moratorium on AI-based technologies in war, as they're rapidly being used to commit unspeakable crimes.

Nerd narrative

There is a 65% chance that global-catastrophic-risk-focused evaluation of certain AI systems by accredited bodies will become mandatory in the U.S. before 2035, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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