18 April 2024

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Belgium: Top Court Overrules Conservative Conference Shutdown

The Facts

  • Mayor Emir Kir of Saint-Josse, a Brussels municipality, on Tuesday ordered police to shut down the National Conservatism Conference to "guarantee public safety."

  • After the conference organizers challenged Kir's order, Belgium's supreme administrative court ruled that the alleged threat to public safety didn't come from the event but "the reactions that its organization might provoke among opponents."

The Spin

Right narrative

In their pursuit of complete control over ideas, liberal European elites think they can censor their way to victory in this summer's elections. Despite the court overruling this blatant violation of free speech, some of these leftist authoritarian leaders, namely Emir Kir in Belgium and the UK's Labor Party, still don't understand the electoral backlash coming this year. As they reveal their disdain for free speech ever more clearly, the citizens of Europe will respond with their vote.

Left narrative

While the decision to shut down this conference was somewhat understandable, the result has been turning these fringe politicians into martyrs. National Conservatives differ on topics such as foreign intervention, but what they all have in common — from the US to Hungary — is discrimination against Muslims, immigrants, and progressives. If their martyr status leads to government power, they will try to outdo each other in oppressing any demographic they deem non-European.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1% chance that the European Conservatives and Reformists Group will hold the most seats after the 2024 European Parliamentary Elections, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Tesla Pushes Shareholders for $56B Musk Pay Deal

The Facts

  • Tesla requested its shareholders to accept awarding CEO Elon Musk with the largest compensation package in American corporate history, estimated to be worth $56B. In January, a US judge rejected the offer, calling it "an unfathomable sum."

  • Musk's pay package comes only days after he revealed his intentions to reduce more than 10% of Tesla's global workforce. In a memo to his staff, Musk expressed his regret over the layoffs.

The Spin

Narrative A

Nobody works for nothing, so why should Elon Musk? Tesla has not paid Musk since 2018. That's six years without compensation as the electric car firm has broken record after record and is now the world's most valuable corporation. It is only reasonable that the innovative chief executive gets compensated in proportion to the company's performance.

Narrative B

They say that timing is everything. In this aspect, the struggling carmaker failed miserably when it asked shareholders for a record payout to Musk. The suggestion comes just days after Musk announced Tesla will cut 10% of its global workforce, and Tesla stock has fallen 37% this year. Awarding Musk this much money is not sound — it's excessive even for Musk.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance Elon Musk will be the richest person in the world on December 31, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Columbia University President Testifies About On-Campus Antisemitism

The Facts

  • The House Committee on Education and the Workforce on Wednesday questioned Columbia University Pres. Minouche Shafik over her institution's handling of antisemitism on campus after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

  • Shafik was joined by Board of Trustees Co-Chairs Claire Shipman and David Greenwald and co-chair of the Columbia Task Force on Antisemitism, Prof. David Schizer.

The Spin

Narrative A

University campuses in the US have, in recent months, witnessed the rise of antisemitism. What's more worrying is the lack of condemnation from university leadership. There's never been a more important time than now to emphasize the need for unity and peaceful coexistence, alongside taking a firm stand in solidarity to stop all forms of antisemitism in turbulent times. These institutions must make deep systemic changes to address an untenable spike in hate speech since Oct. 7.

Narrative B

Addressing antisemitism on campus requires a nuanced approach that upholds free speech and combats bigotry. While recognizing the need to combat antisemitism, enforcing strict speech rules risks stifling debate and breeding resentment. Campus leaders can create task forces and promote open dialogue to counter both antisemitism and Islamophobia effectively. Upholding free speech safeguards vulnerable minorities, including Jewish and Palestinian voices, and ensures a diverse and inclusive campus environment.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that at least 114K US Jews will move to Israel by 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Admin. Sued for Allegedly Destroying Federal Records

The Facts

  • The advocacy group America First Legal (AFL) has filed a lawsuit against the US Dept. of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, US Archivist Colleen Shogan, and the National Archives and Records Admin. (NARA) for allegedly destroying federal records belonging to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  • The suit claims that, despite the Federal Records Act setting a retention period of three years for emails of lower-level employees, a freedom of information request from (AFL) revealed that the CDC destroys all lower-level employee emails "30 days after they leave the agency."

The Spin

Republican narrative

It's one rule system for the Biden administration and another rule system for Trump as AFL has once again exposed the two-tiered legal system that continues to ravage America. While the corrupt Dept. of Justice continues to chase after the former president, the CDC shows no respect for the law and is allowed to mishandle documents as it pleases — this miscarriage of justice must be immediately corrected.

Democratic narrative

AFL should not be considered a legitimate legal organization but rather an attention-seeking lawfare body consistently attempting to push its conservative agenda into media headlines. The large majority of AFL cases hold little to no legal grounds whatsoever — until bad faith entities such as these are punished for their behavior, America's legal system will only continue to be abused.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that Donald Trump's classified documents federal criminal trial will begin by Aug. 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Croatia: HDZ Party Wins Most Seats, Not Majority

The Facts

  • Croatia's ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party has won 61 of the 151 assembly seats. The center-left Social Democrats (SD) party won 42 seats, the right-wing nationalist Homeland Movement secured 14, an ultra-conservative party took 11, and the green-left won 10.

  • While this is the HDZ's third consecutive win, without a majority, the party must form a coalition government. Homeland hasn't yet said whether it would join a right-leaning or left-leaning coalition, and the SDP said it's prepared for weeks or months of talks.

The Spin

Left narrative

Plenković has made poor decisions regarding ministerial appointments, leaving his party vulnerable to the emerging far-right in the country. However, if he stops playing "who's the bigger alpha male" with Milanović, he can still bring together center-left parties to deter xenophobic, anti-EU populists.

Right narrative

After dominating Croatian politics since 1991, the HDZ is showing signs of weakness. Not only has the patriotic Homeland Movement gained two seats, but the liberal SDP is also tired of the status quo. A significant bipartisan faction of anti-EU parties can now use their popularity to stop the EU's disastrous gender, climate, and migration policies.

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Google Fires 28 Workers for Protesting $1.2B Israel Contract

The Facts

  • Google has fired 28 employees who participated in protests against the company's $1.2B contract with the Israeli government and military to provide cloud and AI services.

  • The protests, organized by the group No Tech for Apartheid, took place Tuesday at Google offices in New York City, Seattle, and Sunnyvale, Calif. with protesters demanding the company to drop its "Project Nimbus" contract with Israel. Nine were arrested during the protests on Tuesday.

The Spin

Narrative A

While Google is aware that Tuesday's protests were the work of a small group of people who do not represent the majority of the company's employees, it's important to note that disruptive behavior has no place in the workplace. Unprofessionalism will not be tolerated, and Google is well within its rights to act against disorderly conduct, up to and including termination.

Narrative B

These firings were illegal and retaliatory, given that the protests were peaceful. Google shouldn't be involved in any military contracts, and Project Nimbus and its association with the catastrophe taking place in Gaza are disturbing. The company clearly cares more about profit than it does about the well-being of its employees or taking an ethical stance on the role of AI in conflict and human rights.

Nerd narrative

There's a 72% chance that "slaughterbots" kill at least 50 people outside a military conflict by 2035, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Nine Charged in Canadian Gold Heist

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • Canadian and US authorities have arrested six suspects, including two Air Canada employees, and charged three others in connection with the 2023 heist of CA$22M (US$16M) worth of gold bars and CA$2.5M worth of bank notes.

  • The suspects are accused of stealing a container of 6.6K gold bars from a warehouse at Toronto Pearson Airport after it arrived on an Air Canada flight in April 2023. The container also contained bank notes headed to a Toronto bank for exchange.

The Spin

Narrative A

This heist was made possible solely due to it being an inside job. Thanks to these two corrupt airline staff, tens of millions of still-unaccounted-for dollars were stolen from the country. The gold is likely gone, as some of the criminals allegedly had ties to a jeweler, who likely melted and sold it. While most of the money is gone, the police did a tremendous job on this case.

Narrative B

While this movie-like story involves several villains, an important factor to remember is that Air Canada was in charge of protecting these valuables until an official Brinks truck arrived to pick them up. The airline failed, however, and thus Brinks is suing the airline for being negligent and careless. Air Canada must be scrutinized for its systemic failures in this case.

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US Sanctions Entities Linked to Iran Drone Production

The Facts

  • The US on Thursday imposed new sanctions on 16 individuals and two firms involved with Iran's drone manufacturing, days after it launched an attack on Israel.

  • US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the aim was to "degrade and disrupt" key aspects of Iran’s offensive capabilities, making it "harder and costlier" to engage in what Yellen characterized as "destabilizing behavior."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

While Western sanctions are an important step to defanging Iran's dangerous drone manufacturing programs, even more should be done. The US' previous sanctions on Iranian drone makers in 2023 prompted Russia to help Iran in this arena. Tehran's pivot towards Russia is dangerous geopolitically and allows Iran to skirt the consequences of sanctions. Western powers need to build on sanctions and target dismantling Iranian drone capabilities and the nations that enable it.

Establishment-critical narrative

Iran's bold attack on Israel with over 300 missiles and drones, though ineffective, has posed a challenge for its Western allies to balance support for Israel with restraint. The attack may push them towards dangerous escalation, potentially triggering further conflict with Israel. The situation remains highly unpredictable and fraught with risks, and Western hegemonic powers have proved unable to dampen the escalation potential.

Nerd narrative

There is a 20% chance that a state-based conflict between Israel and Iran will cause at least 1K deaths before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Hugh Grant Settles Legal Disputes With The Sun

The Facts

  • British actor Hugh Grant has settled his lawsuit with the News Group Newspapers (NGN), the Rupert Murdoch-owned parent company of The Sun newspaper.

  • Grant's lawsuit surrounds allegations that the paper put tracking devices in his car, wiretapped his landline phone, and burglarized his home in 2011. He said that while nothing was stolen from his apartment, The Sun "detailed" its "interior" the next day.

The Spin

Narrative A

Hugh Grant would have much preferred to go to trial, but UK civil case law makes it impossible. The British media oligarchy has gotten away with this countless times, so the public hasn't gotten to see evidence of their unseemly practices brought before a court. Anyone who has their phone hacked or house burglarized should get justice.

Narrative B

The allegations surrounding alleged NGN privacy violations date as far back as 20 years ago, and ever since then, the company has apologized to and compensated genuine plaintiffs. Those days are over, however, and the company has cleaned its reporting of these practices.

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NBA Ban Raptors' Jontay Porter for Gambling Scandal

The Facts

  • The National Basketball Association (NBA) banned Toronto Raptors forward Jontay Porter for life on Wednesday after determining that he disclosed confidential information to sports bettors and bet on games — going as far as to bet against his own team.

  • The league issued a statement detailing Porter’s violations, noting that he disclosed confidential information about his own health status to an NBA bettor prior to the Raptors' March 20 game and limited his participation in at least one game to influence the outcome of wagers.

The Spin

Narrative A

The NBA had no choice but to swiftly and decisively ban Jontay Porter for life after he committed one of professional sports' cardinal sins. As many states legalize sports betting, there are massive profits to be made as leagues partner with officially recognized books. However, this opens the doors to players who cannot resist the temptation to place wagers of their own. This is a difficult situation to manage, but the NBA has sent a clear message that any violation of its gambling rules will not be tolerated. The league knows that its entire reputation is on the line, and it will not allow gambling to destroy its competitive integrity.

Narrative B

While Jontay Porter clearly deserves to be punished for his actions, it's important to note how the NBA opened the door for him, and potentially other players, to gamble on games. Sports betting is a multibillion-dollar industry that leagues cannot wait to tap into. Within the past few years, the NBA has partnered with books and encouraged fans to bet on the league. The NBA had to know that the ubiquity of betting would ultimately trickle down to the players, yet it still pushed to grow its gambling presence. The NBA made an example out of Porter, but the league is not blameless in this scandal.

Nerd narrative

There is a 32% chance that the Boston Celtics will win the 2024 NBA finals, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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