23 May 2024

Daily Newsletter

Report: China, Japan to Discuss Resuming Ruling Party Talks

The Facts

  • The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Liu Jianchao is expected to meet with leaders from Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its junior coalition partner Komeito to discuss resuming regular consultative talks between ruling parties after six years.

  • Japanese media outlet NHK, which broke the news earlier, added that preparations are underway for the gathering to take place next week.

The Spin

Pro-China narrative

Day after day, Beijing indicates its desire to stabilize and improve bilateral relations even though Japan insists on supporting US malicious efforts to counter China, and this potential visit is no exception. High-level exchanges — either government-to-government or party-to-party — are key to boosting mutual trust and cooperation.

Anti-China narrative

It's a matter of fact that Japan must pragmatically maintain a close dialogue with China due to the pressing need to restore regional stability, so resuming consultative talks is good news. However, even the traditionally China-friendly junior coalition party Komeito has now realized that hegemonic moves from Beijing are to blame for disputes in the Asia-Pacific.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that if China invades Taiwan before 2035, Japan will respond with military forces, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Haley Says She'll Vote for Trump

The Facts

  • Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was former Pres. Donald Trump's closest rival during the Republican primaries, announced Wednesday she will vote for Trump this November.

  • Haley explained her decision by saying Trump has "not been perfect" on many policies, but "Biden has been a catastrophe."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Despite the efforts of a handful of prominent, principled Republicans, Trump — and everything that goes along with him — now runs the GOP. Haley could've used her time in the spotlight to continue to stand against the former president, but she succumbed to his power and her own future political ambitions. The GOP is in a sorry state by bending the knee to Trump.

Pro-Trump narrative

Some former Haley voters may be leaning toward Biden, but she's made it clear they should vote for Trump to avoid the US from continuing to decay under Democratic policies. Biden hasn't stood up to America's enemies or stuck with its allies. The smart vote for Republicans who are on the fence is Trump.

Narrative C

It's no surprise that Haley didn't have the fortitude to continue to oppose Trump. Many of the former presidents' rivals have done the same, even after bitter disputes. But this won't necessarily help Trump because many Haley voters prefer Biden over him, and Haley's endorsement actually won't sway them come election time.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1% chance that Haley will be the 2024 Republican nominee for vice president on Election Day, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Hosts Kenya's President Ruto in Historic State Visit

The Facts

  • US President Joe Biden on Wednesday received his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto at the White House for a three-day state visit, marking the first such visit by an African head of state since 2008.

  • At a roundtable meeting with Biden on technology at the White House, Ruto praised the US for its significant investment in the tech sector, arguing that it will expand opportunities and transform lives in Kenya and across Africa.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Ruto's state visit highlights the growing US-Kenya strategic partnership and the significance Washington attaches to Africa. The historic visit reflects shared values and efforts in economic development and technological advancement, as well as in addressing regional and global security challenges. Reinforcing the US-Kenya alliance is all the more important given Russia and China's self-serving efforts to roll back Western influence in Africa.

Establishment-critical narrative

Ruto's trip to the US is the clearest indication yet that he has turned into a useful tool of the West and its dwindling global influence. Rather than delivering on his promise of fundamental economic change for the benefit of Kenyans, he committed to deploying police personnel to Haiti. However, the intervention does not serve Kenya's national interests but rather the enforcement of US interests. By cozying up to Washington, Ruto is leading Kenya into an uncertain future.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that Kenya will experience a successful coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Russia Arrests Fourth Defense Official on Bribery Charges

The Facts

  • In what was the fourth arrest of a high-ranking Russian military official in the space of a month, authorities detained Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin, deputy head of the army’s general staff, Russian media reported on Thursday.

  • Shamarin was arrested on suspicion of large-scale bribe-taking and was on Wednesday imprisoned for a period of two months, according to the state-run TASS news agency. It reported the bribe was in excess of 1M rubles ($11K).

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

These arrests likely have little to do with corruption. Instead, Russian Pres. Putin is purging those in his military chain of command who he suspects of insufficient loyalty. A number of those arrested have previously voiced dissatisfaction with how the war in Ukraine is being waged.

Pro-Russia narrative

Russian Pres. Putin built his career on fighting corruption. He understands better than most that if this issue creeps into Russia's military, it could derail Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. That's why he's instructed prosecutors to pay this special attention and take the steps necessary to root out the problem.

Nerd narrative

There's a 40% chance that Russia will significantly incorporate Belarus into the Union State before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Uvalde Settles With Shooting Victims for $2M

The Facts

  • The city of Uvalde, Texas, reached a $2M settlement with most of the families of the victims of the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting. After 19 children and two teachers were killed, the US Dept. Justice (DOJ) found that the police failed to confront the shooter.

  • The settlement, which was announced Wednesday, will pay the families of 17 children who died and two who were injured. It includes a pledge to create a permanent memorial and overhaul the city's police force. The group also has dozens of lawsuits against state and local bodies.

The Spin

Left narrative

These families deserve this settlement, but the city, state, and law enforcement must do more to strengthen gun control policies and safety plans. So much went wrong leading up to and during this tragedy, so everyone's goal should be to make sure a tragedy like this never happens again.

Right narrative

This tragedy was all about the police officers, who should have to face the consequences for failing to do their jobs. But the media wants to look beyond that and make this tragedy a call for stricter gun control. The focus should be on the law enforcement officers who didn't put their arsenals to use when they were needed.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that there will be at least 1.41 small firearms per capita in the US in 2029, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Egypt Responds to Report Claiming Official Changed Cease-fire Terms

The Facts

  • After CNN released a report on Tuesday alleging that a senior Egyptian intelligence official had changed the terms of a cease-fire proposal between Israel and Hamas without telling other mediators and negotiators, Egypt threatened to withdraw from its role as a mediator.

  • The CNN report, based on comments from unnamed officials, claimed that Ahmed Abdel Khalek, a senior deputy to the Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel, changed the terms of the proposal so that Hamas would agree to it.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

It is unclear why Egypt would risk jeopardizing a cease-fire that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called "extraordinarily generous on the part of Israel." Though Egypt will likely remain as a mediator, Qatar will certainly play a larger role in the next round of talks, but it will also depend on whether Hamas wants to make concessions or not.

Pro-Israel narrative

Egyptian intelligence toyed with the cease-fire proposal in a desperate attempt to end or shorten the war, as it has created negative perceptions of Egypt's government. It's to be expected that Egyptian officials must publicly decry Israel's legitimate security operations, but, behind closed doors, there have been no significant changes to the Egyptian-Israeli relationship.

Pro-Palestine narrative

It is a shame that the US media and political apparatus constantly feel the need to cover Israel's intransigence at every turn. After seven months of a grinding campaign of destruction, displacement, and famine, it should be clear that Israel is not interested in ending the war. There was nothing in Hamas' proposal that is surprising. Netanyahu simply needs an excuse to extend the war and his political career, and the Americans are helping him.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1.5% chance that Hamas will have de facto power in the Gaza Strip on Jan. 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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SCOTUS Sides With South Carolina GOP in Voting Map Case

The Facts

  • The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled 6-3 Thursday to uphold South Carolina's Republican-drawn congressional district map. This reverses a lower court's ruling that said the map was an unconstitutional gerrymandering.

  • The decision, written by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, said to make a racial gerrymandering case, you "must disentangle race and politics" to "prove" motivation "by race as opposed to partisanship." He added that you must presume "the legislature acted in good faith."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This ruling is both practically and morally disgraceful. The lower federal trial court correctly found clear evidence of Black voters being pushed out of District 1, but SCOTUS decided to disregard those facts and instead greenlight continued racial discrimination. This ruling has essentially brought South Carolina back to the days of legal racially-based discrimination.

Republican narrative

Since Black voters tend to vote at about 90% Democrat, some maps end up looking like they're racially gerrymandered. In reality, they're simply based on politics. In this case, not only was the map drawn based on partisanship, but it ended up increasing the proportion of Black voters in the district. District maps should not be deemed discriminatory just because someone doesn't like their outcome.

Cynical narrative

Both Democrats and Republicans gerrymander massively, making American democracy far from fair. Election laws should change.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that Republicans win control of the US House of Representatives in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Colombia to Open Embassy in West Bank's Ramallah

The Facts

  • Colombia's leftist Pres. Gustavo Petro has ordered the opening of an embassy in the West Bank city of Ramallah, his foreign minister announced Wednesday.

  • Ramallah serves as the administrative capital of the Palestinian Authority, which governs parts of the West Bank under Pres. Mahmoud Abbas — and is among the options to replace Hamas in postwar Gaza.

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

As Colombia has cut ties with Israel and now moves to install an embassy in the West Bank, the Latin American country is rewarding Hamas' terrorism. And while the romance between so-called progressive politicians and the terror group has been quite unusual, it's hardly a surprise that Petro has sided with terrorists as he was a guerrilla leader himself.

Pro-Palestine narrative

First and foremost, Colombia officially recognized the state of Palestine years before Petro took office. The announced plans to open an embassy in the occupied West Bank are only natural development, especially as the two-state solution remains the best way to bring about lasting peace.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Palestine will become a full UN member state by November 2062, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Biden Administration Planning Potential Border Closure

The Facts

  • Anonymous officials familiar with reported negotiations say the Biden administration is close to issuing an executive action to allow the president to temporarily shut the southern border, and the US is talking to Mexico in pursuit of its cooperation.

  • The executive order could involve the president exercising a power in the US Code — Section 212 (f) — which could allow Biden to "suspend the entry" of certain groups if the number of attempted migrant crossings exceeds a certain amount.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Unlike his Republican predecessor and despite demands from overaggressive GOP legislators, Pres. Biden is taking a careful approach to his possible executive orders on immigration. He needs to get the wording right so that his plans aren't thwarted by the courts, as well as to make sure the US does its best to maintain a humanitarian policy toward immigrants. Without Congress' help, though, anything Biden does will be temporary.

Republican narrative

The president has dragged his feet long enough. His tentativeness in using executive orders has led to a migrant crisis of record-breaking proportions. Now we hear rumors he may trim away at the edges in reforming the asylum system and weaken some other policies. This crisis requires drastic actions the president is entitled to take, but Biden is too weak and/or beholden to his left flank to do what's necessary.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the rate of immigration enforcement in the US in 2024, as a percentage of removals to encounters, will be at least 5.8, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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DOJ Sues Live Nation, Ticketmaster Over Antitrust Violations

The Facts

  • The US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) has filed suit against Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation — which could break the company into two entities.

  • Filed Wednesday, the lawsuit accuses Live Nation of engaging in anticompetitive practices that harm the live entertainment industry. Attorneys general for 29 states and Washington, D.C. are backing the suit.

The Spin

Narrative A

Live Nation and Ticketmaster, together as one entity, is a monopoly that hurts consumers, venues, and artists. This has gone on for far too long, and it's time for the government to break up the two companies and allow true competition to emerge.

Narrative B

This suit is completely unfounded and counterproductive to its stated aims. The DOJ is showing it isn't versed about Live Nation's business, which relies on market-driven prices and thin margins. Breaking up Ticketmaster and Live Nation would hurt consumers.

Nerd narrative

There's a 67% chance that by 2050, there will be at least 25% of Year-End Billboard Hot 100 songs primarily composed by AI, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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