04 June 2024

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Netanyahu to Address US Congress on July 24

The Facts

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before a joint meeting of US Congress on July 24, congressional leaders announced on Thursday.

  • The announcement comes four days after House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said that no date had been set for Netanyahu's address.

The Spin

Pro-Palestine narrative

Inviting Netanyahu to address the US Congress amid the Gaza violence goes against the very grain of the US' founding ideals. How will America's representatives answer questions on the extensive civilian casualties and displacement caused by Israel's actions? Especially with the disproportionate impact on women, children, and the elderly.

Pro-Israel narrative

There has never been a more critical moment for the US to stand by the state of Israel as the besieged nation fights terror on its terms. America will reinforce its traditional solidarity with Israel by having Netanyahu speak to its representatives. The ultimate aim — the defense of democracy — must never be lost sight of.

Narrative C

Netanyahu's address to the US Congress has put Pres. Biden and other Democrats in a delicate position — balancing support for Israel with acknowledging the Gaza tragedy. The event is a politically charged move by Republicans to expose divisions within the Democratic caucus.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Benjamin Netanyahu will cease to be prime minister of Israel by March 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Pakistan: Court Acquits Imran Khan in State Secrets Leak

The Facts

  • On Monday, an Islamabad court reversed the 10-year jail sentence of Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister, and his ally, ex-Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, for allegedly disclosing classified government information in the "cipher case."

  • Despite the court victory, Khan will remain in prison as he has been convicted in four cases and faces more than 150 lawsuits since being ousted.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Sentences have been overturned, and the only thing keeping the year-old former cricket star turned politician and prime minister of Pakistan out of jail is a seven-year prison sentence for breaching Pakistan's marital laws. Clearly, the efforts to prevent Khan from returning to power are politically driven. They've victimized his party and stolen the February national election. The authorities must immediately release Khan and his ally Qureshi.

Pro-establishment narrative

Khan has been mired in controversy and scandals for years, and the mounting evidence is too much to ignore. Khan has used his power to subvert democracy, including his attempt to dissolve parliament to escape the no-confidence vote that ousted him. Now, he's using his platform to bring Pakistan to the brink of civil war. While Khan should be pursued legally for his wrongdoings, the government should be careful not to turn this political crisis into something worse.

Nerd narrative

There is a 35% chance Pakistan will experience a successful coup d'état before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Russia Warns US of 'Fatal' Miscalculation as Ukraine Strikes Russia With HIMARS

The Facts

  • Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned US leaders against a miscalculation that could lead to "fatal consequences." The remarks came in light of Pres. Joe Biden's change of policy last week, allowing Ukraine to launch limited strikes on Russian territory with US-supplied weapons.

  • Speaking to Russian media on Monday, Ryabkov said: "I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Within hours of Western partners lifting restrictions, Ukraine used these weapons to great effect, striking Russian troop concentrations and military sites and destroying key Russian offensive weapons such as its Iskander-2 missile launcher, used to wage destruction on Ukrainian cities. These military changes of loosening the restrictions could help Ukraine win.

Pro-Russia narrative

World leaders — particularly those in America — continue to cross red lines, thinking Russia will not respond. This is a foolish strategy as one miscalculation could lead to a global conflict with fatal consequences for all. This was even stressed in the simplest terms by Pres. Putin recently, but these comments were still ignored.

Nerd narrative

There's a 20% chance that a nuclear weapon will be detonated as an act of war by 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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X Updates Policy to Officially Allow Adult Content

The Facts

  • Elon Musk's social media platform X (formerly Twitter) has updated its guidelines to officially allow adult content if it's consensual and clearly labeled. The new policy states, "Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression."

  • Users who "regularly post" adult content must update their settings to ensure their posts are marked as sensitive material. Users under 18 or who haven't entered their birthdate can't access such content.

The Spin

Progressive narrative

As almost every other popular social media platform has either banned or limited ad revenue for adult content creators, X and its predecessor, Twitter, have rightly allowed sex workers to continue making a living. Consensual pornography is not some lude form of clickbait but rather an economic lifeline for sex workers. X should continue its tradition of offering a safe and reliable marketplace for the industry.

Conservative narrative

Pornography is a destructive force that negatively impacts our brains, artificially alters sexual taste, and ruins relationships. While legally banning it has not proven effective, that doesn't mean the digital town square should be promoting it. People used to have to search for such content on the internet's fringes, but now, even children are bombarded by it in their social media feeds.

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Report: 61% of Americans to Have a Cardiovascular Disease by 2050

The Facts

  • A new report from the American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that 61% of American adults will have some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by the year 2050.

  • The report also predicts that 45M Americans will have a CVD — if high blood pressure is excluded — or suffer a stroke by the middle of the century, up from 28M in 2020. CVDs include high blood pressure, heart failure, and arrhythmia.

The Spin

Narrative A

At this very moment, we have a drug available that not only treats diabetes but greatly helps against all manner of cardiovascular diseases. Cultural discourse has obscured the reality that drugs like Ozempic are wildly effective and safe, and their widespread use could change the chronic disease landscape in this country. We need to expand access to these life-saving drugs before this coming CVD catastrophe.

Narrative B

Instead of resorting to pharmaceutical interventions, we need to go to the source of America's ailments. At the root of the CVD crisis is a low-quality food supply that encourages people to eat food that is bereft of nutritional value. If we start treating food as medicine — by taxing what's unhealthy and subsidizing what is healthy — we can finally get a grip on cardiovascular disease.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that 70% of Americans will be overweight or obese in 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Cyber Attacks Hit UK Health System

The Facts

  • A cyber attack has disrupted medical services at several UK National Health Service (NHS) hospitals, including Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust as well as King's College Hospital Trust.

  • The attack, which targeted the pathology services provider Synnovis, also forced delayed operations at Royal Brompton and the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. While some medical procedures were canceled, others were directed to different hospitals.

The Spin

Narrative A

Despite its acclaimed implementation of cybersecurity, SYNLAB has now faced multiple cyber attacks just this year. With healthcare data hacks costing an average of over $10M, the industry must face the reality that more must be done. Whether they like it or not, vital medical service providers are at the forefront of this fight and they must take action accordingly.

Narrative B

While protecting patients at all costs is of the utmost importance, it should also be noted that paying ransom to hackers may not be the best immediate solution. For companies to make meaningful change, they must focus on both cybersecurity and not giving these criminals what they want. Hackers must be shown that disrupting the medical industry is not profitable.

Nerd narrative

There is a 20% chance that a theft of >$10M of intellectual property will be widely attributed to an artificial intelligence cyberattack before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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RFK Jr. Sues Nevada Secretary of State Over Ballot Access

The Facts

  • Independent US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is suing Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar over his refusal to certify the candidate's petition signatures, which are needed to get on the state's 2024 ballot.

  • While RFK Jr. didn't choose his now running mate Nicole Shanahan until March, his lawsuit claims that Aguilar's office approved his signatures in January. However, Aguilar's office in March still claimed that signatures were invalid.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Aguilar's about-face on this issue is purely political and has nothing to do with the law. After explicitly approving RFK Jr.'s ballot petition in January, and then issuing no concerns for two months, he abruptly changed his mind in March. Kennedy is a serious third-party contender whom some polls show beating both Biden and Trump one-on-one. If anyone has a right to be on the ballot it's the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket.

Pro-establishment narrative

Kennedy is omitting the fact that his campaign is deliberately taking a long time to file for ballots so that his competitors can't challenge his questionable petitions. For a candidate who says he's eager to get on the debate stage, it's very odd that he's so far only applied for a handful with the CNN debate just weeks away. He should know that ballot applications take time, but he's chosen to procrastinate and complain instead of starting early.

Nerd narrative

There is a 20% chance that a third-party or independent candidate will win at least 5% of the popular vote in the 2024 US presidential election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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India: PM Modi Claims Third Term, BJP Loses Majority

The Facts

  • India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost its majority on Tuesday, receiving just 240 seats — 32 short of the halfway mark of 272 — in the six-week-long general election.

  • However, incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed victory and can still form the government for a third time as the BJP-led NDA alliance has won 292 seats in the 543-member parliament.

The Spin

Narrative A

The BJP has received the largest share of votes and got more seats than the combined opposition, which shows that the Indian voters have once again shown full faith in Modi's ability to lead the country to greater heights.

Narrative B

With Modi's party losing a majority, Indian voters have actually punished him for crossing some red lines, including propagating Islamophobia, using strong-arm tactics to subdue media and political opponents, and hijacking all constitutional institutions.

Narrative C

With a resurgent opposition and BJP in the minority, this verdict will likely affect political stability and policy continuity. While Modi may still form the government, as he would need the support of his allies to stay in power, it would be challenging for him to take bold policy measures.

Nerd narrative

There's a 40% chance that there will be a non-BJP prime minister of India before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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MLB: Padres' Marcano Receives Lifetime Ban for Betting

The Facts

  • San Diego Padres infielder Tucupita Marcano on Tuesday received a lifetime ban from Major League Baseball (MLB) for violating the league's gambling policy by betting more than $150K on baseball games.

  • MLB said its investigation found Marcano placed 231 bets on baseball — 25 on Pirates games while he was then a member of the club (although he didn't appear in those games due to injury). MLB Rule 21 imposes a lifetime ban for betting on a game in which the person has a duty to perform.

The Spin

Narrative A

Marcano almost certainly won't be the last player to face a gambling ban. Pro sports leagues have opened up a can of worms by teaming with sportsbooks and promoting gambling, and it was only a matter of time before athletes started wagering. Players are responsible for their own actions, but MLB and other leagues share culpability in the gambling crisis that's unfolding across the world of sports.

Narrative B

MLB is operating in a whole new world since the Supreme Court legalized sports gambling and it became lucrative for professional leagues and teams to partner with betting entities. But MLB's system of policing worked — Marcano and the others clearly violated the rules, they were caught, and they were punished. This is how the world of sports is going to operate moving forward.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the last baseball World Series will be played by August 2091, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Signs Border Control Executive Order

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden signed an executive order Tuesday to temporarily shut down the US-Mexico border any time the average number of daily crossings into the US breach over 2.5K, and reopen two weeks after daily crossings drop to 1.5K for seven days straight.

  • White House officials said the order would allow the deportation of any migrants whose asylum claims don't meet the "credible fear" requirement, although there will be exceptions for unaccompanied minors.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Biden has tried for three years now to codify his desired immigration policies into law, but Republicans have blocked his attempts even when their own party members voted in favor. Despite these obstacles, Biden has still seized record amounts of illicit drugs and deployed historic numbers of troops to the border. With this executive order, he has proven once again his willingness to protect the country as GOP congressmen sit on their hands.

Republican narrative

This executive order is a last-minute facade created by the same administration responsible for the border crisis. Even members of former liberal Pres. Barack Obama's circle have said that 1K illegal crossings per day was a "bad number" that "overwhelms the system." As for the so-called bipartisan bill the White House keeps mentioning, most Republicans were against it because it quite literally legalized illegal immigration.

Progressive narrative

A Democratic president should be helping, not hurting, those who seek a better life in America, but instead, Biden is playing politics and returning the country to the day of ineffective, racist border policies prior to the election. Biden should be pouring money into streamlining the application process instead of toughening restrictions on vulnerable immigrants seeking asylum.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the rate of immigration enforcement in the US in 2024, as a percentage of removals to encounters, will be at least 5.79, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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