12 July 2024

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Report: California Wildfires Increased Fivefold This Year

The Facts

  • According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, over 3.5K wildfire incidents destroyed nearly 220K acres in California — five times the average — at the start of its wildfire season.

  • The five-year average for the Western US state's summertime burned area is 38K acres, with California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah reeling under "extremely dangerous heat conditions."

The Spin

Left narrative

In California, the end of fire season brings temporary relief. However, climate change is reshaping this relief into a false sense of security. With extreme weather now a year-round threat, the notion of a predictable "fire season" is outdated. Fire conditions can arise at almost any time, as evidenced by winter wildfires and fires in traditionally lush areas like parts of Louisiana and Hawaii. It's crucial to embrace adaptation, integrate Indigenous knowledge, slash emissions, and push back against climate denialism from the right.

Right narrative

Blaming California's wildfires on climate change is an easy way out when poor federal regulation and forest mismanagement are the real culprits. The federal government's restrictive policies on forest use have led to excessive fuel buildup, resulting in more severe fires. Leftist eco-imperialism ignores effective forest management practices like logging and controlled burns. Climate alarmism allows the left to use climate change as a scapegoat to cover up its failures.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that at least 4.65K persons per 100K will be affected by natural disasters in 2032, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: UK Election Turnout Lowest Since Universal Suffrage

The Facts

  • According to the London-based Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), just 52% of British adults voted in the 2024 general election, the lowest turnout since universal suffrage began in 1928.

  • The IPPR claimed that if non-voters were a political party, it would have received the largest support. The report found that turnout was 11% higher in constituencies with the top decile of over 64-year-olds compared to the lowest decile, and 7% lower in constituencies within the top decile of ethnic minorities compared to the lowest decile.

The Spin

Narrative A

Voter participation matters. If almost half of the adult population doesn't vote, then the other half will make decisions that benefit the already well-off. Political inequality goes hand-in-hand with economic inequality. Labour's promise to introduce election reforms would not only enhance transparency in political funding but also increase voter turnout.

Narrative B

In the 2024 general election, the people voted for change. However, Labour's turn to the right alienated many anti-Conservative voters, who chose not to exercise their right to vote. When the traditional parties turn to the right, it leaves voters disillusioned. Without an alternative, voter turnout is bound to be low.

Narrative C

Lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 is an ill-advised idea. Simply put, it's unethical and premature to allow children to vote because they don't have the right to make informed decisions without their parent's permission. The proposal lands best with Labour's base and benefits the party more than the country.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance that the UK House of Commons will be elected by proportional representation before 2030, by the Metaculus prediction community.

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Russia Warns of Military Response to US Missile Deployment in Germany

The Facts

  • Russia is reportedly preparing a military reaction to counter the planned US deployment of longer-range, ground-based missiles in Germany, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Thursday.

  • Ryabkov said Russia will develop "a military response to the new threat" in a calculated and measured manner, adding that the planned deployment would neither force Russia to "disarm" nor start a new arms race.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The decision to deploy advanced missile systems in Germany — including hypersonic missiles capable of striking deep inside Russia — comes just at the right time, given Russia's expansionist ambitions. The move demonstrates the US commitment to NATO and its contributions to Europe's integrated deterrence, which is vital as Germany and Europe don't yet possess the necessary deterrent capabilities. NATO will not back down and is prepared to counter Russia's escalation policy resolutely.

Establishment-critical narrative

The stationing of long-range missiles in Germany opens a new chapter in NATO's so-called "security policy." It was not without reason that the US unilaterally withdrew from the INF Treaty in 2019, following its Cold War logic and the interests of the military-industrial complex. The destabilizing step that has been announced aligns with this strategy and is a direct threat to Russia, international security, and strategic stability. Moscow will not stand idly by and will respond appropriately in due time.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that there will be a direct conflict between Russia and any NATO member state before 2027, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Netanyahu Denies Israel Considering Leaving Egypt-Gaza Border

The Facts

  • The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that a Reuters report claiming Israel has been discussing a withdrawal from the Egypt-Gaza Border — often referred to as the Philadelphi Corridor — was "fake news."

  • Citing three unnamed regional officials, Reuters had claimed that Israel was considering the installation of an electronic surveillance system along the Philadelphi Corridor that would allow Israel to pull back from the area if a cease-fire is agreed upon.

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

The battle for Rafah was so important because it allowed Israeli forces to prevent Hamas from utilizing its subterranean supply lines into Gaza. Indeed, preventing Hamas from re-establishing these supply lines will prove crucial in defeating the terrorist group, as the money and guns coming from Egypt must stop, which is why Israel's continued control over the Philadelphi Corridor is paramount.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Regardless of whether Reuters' report has merit or not, the reality is that after over nine months of non-stop brutality, the situation in Gaza continues to worsen. The US has failed to reel Netanyahu in, as Israel's occupation of the Philadelphi Corridor crosses Washington's red lines, violates its treaty with Egypt, and — most importantly — further victimizes the Palestinian population. Israel must withdraw from the Rafah Crossing and Philadelphi Corridor.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Israel will recognize Palestine by 2074, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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EU Accuses X of Violating Digital Content Rules

The Facts

  • On Friday, the EU technology watchdog preliminarily ruled that social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, was running afoul of the Digital Services Act (DSA), which could lead to fines or penalties against the company.

  • In particular, the ability to purchase X verification was found to have made it difficult for users to gauge the "authenticity" of accounts and content. The European Commission also said it found evidence of "malicious actors" abusing the new verification system.

The Spin

Narrative A

Elon Musk's ownership of X has been a disaster, as the company hemorrhages money and attracts unwanted attention from regulators at home and abroad. The changes Musk has brought to the platform have made the experience worse and harmed users, and the EU is finally stepping in to hold the platform to account for this.

Narrative B

The EU's digital regulations have proven to be a nightmare for anyone who cares about free expression on the internet. The DSA opens the door to state control of information under a protective guise, and X was one of the first platforms to take a stand against this. The EU is penalizing X for not taking part in its censorship regime, as Musk is a vocal DSA critic.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that the market capitalization of X will be at least $20B by Jan. 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Scientists Reconstruct Wooly Mammoth's Genetic Code

The Facts

  • Using the frozen carcass of a 52K-year-old wooly mammoth found in the Siberian permafrost, scientists have been able to reconstruct the entire genetic code of the ancient animal by using the still-intact, three-dimensional chromosomes of its skin.

  • Previously, the old way of extracting DNA from fossils, according to a geneticist who reviewed the study, only produced "short fragments" of a "four-letter molecular alphabet," which is A (adenine), G (guanine), C (cytosine), T (thymine).

The Spin

Narrative A

Now that we know that dehydrated fossils can be turned into near-perfect DNA replicas, scientists may be able to do the same for ancient Egyptian mummies or other long-lost animals. Given time, this information may also lead to the revival of extinct animals, or at the very least ones similar to those of ancient times.

Narrative B

While novel genome sequencing technology provides incredible insight into the evolution and history of animals, that doesn't mean they can be completely de-extinct. Using a modern-day elephant to produce some sort of reincarnated wooly mammoth may be possible, but that would bring up ethical issues surrounding using animals for such experiments.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the wooly mammoth will be revived by September 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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House GOP Votes to Reverse Biden's Title IX Expansion

The Facts

  • The GOP-majority US House on Thursday passed along a party-line 210-205 vote a Congressional Review Act resolution reversing Biden admin. changes to Title IX — including the expansion of the definition of sex discrimination to include discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

  • Title IX was enacted in 1972 to prohibit sex-based discrimination in education facilities that receive federal funding. The US Dept. of Education in April revised the rules to include transgender students who aren't called by their preferred pronouns or have their access to school facilities limited.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Congressional Republicans have shown the American public which party stands for protecting women and which one doesn't. The Biden administration's wrongful expansion of Title IX is shameful and dangerous, especially to women athletes. Anyone who cares about defending women's rights, or just common sense, knows this resolution should be signed into law.

Democratic narrative

The Biden administration's new rules expanded Title IX to better protect members of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and to ensure cases of sexual assault and harassment are taken seriously. House Republicans are attempting to take the country back to the dangerous policies of the Trump administration, which left victims unsupported. Republicans should be ashamed.

Nerd narrative

There's a 71% chance that the GOP will control the Senate after the 2024 elections, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Brazil: Police Say 'Parallel' Spy Agency Snooped on Bolsonaro Rivals

The Facts

  • The Brazilian Federal Police have alleged in a 187-page document that the country's intelligence agency (ABIN) was weaponized during the Jair Bolsonaro right-wing administration (2019-2022) to monitor and harass the then-president's rivals.

  • The so-called parallel spy agency is said to have illegally targeted journalists and top public figures, including Supreme Court Justices Alexandre de Moraes, Luís Roberto Barroso, Luiz Fux, and Dias Toffoli, and Chamber Speaker Arthur Lira.

The Spin

Left narrative

On top of his well-documented coup intentions after failing to win reelection in the past presidential election, it's now confirmed that Bolsonaro weaponized the state apparatus to monitor and persecute his political opponents. If there were still any doubts about whether the far-right leader poses a threat to democratic institutions, it's gone now that his parallel spy agency has been exposed.

Right narrative

You don't have to be a Bolsonaro supporter to see that Lula has weaponized the judicial system against his predecessor. Lula is a leftist career politician who was convicted on corruption charges before they were stunningly reversed by activist judges. Right-leaning figures across the nation are being censored, and checks and balances are being curtailed as the legal system is increasingly used as a weapon against opponents.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Pres. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will be reelected as Brazil's president in October of 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Democratic Party Uncertainty Continues After Biden NATO Summit Events

The Facts

  • On Thursday, US Pres. Biden made what was widely characterized as two major public appearances important to the trajectory of his campaign — remarks in front of NATO leaders at the alliance's summit and a high-profile press conference hours later.

  • Biden's remarks focused on US geostrategic policies but also included two episodes in which he referred to Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "President Putin" (before correcting) then referring to Vice President Harris as "Vice President Trump" later during the press conference.

The Spin

Narrative A

While it's understandable that Biden wishes to continue serving his country, it's time for him to put the well-being of the country over his personal endeavors. The main goal of Democrats is to beat the twice impeached, convicted felon Donald Trump. Those closest to Biden must stand up for the country and encourage him to drop out and switch to a more electable candidate before it's too late.

Narrative B

Since it appears Biden won't be stepping down, the Democrats must stop talking about his foibles and start treating him like their 2024 candidate. Biden's performance was more than serviceable — deepening relationships with key allies, and showing his strength in foreign policy. The Democratic Party should close ranks around Biden, hound Trump on his criminal cases, and communicate the horrors of Project 2025 and a radical GOP.

Republican narrative

It's remarkable to watch the Democratic establishment lose control of who they thought was an easily controllable politician. Reports are now coming out about former Pres. Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are potentially urging Biden to drop out. While Trump and the GOP can stand back and reap the benefits of Democratic Party dysfunction, last night's Biden gaffes were an embarrassment that echoed on the international stage and harmed America's reputation.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 US Presidential Election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Trump Asks Judge to Vacate Hush Money Conviction

The Facts

  • Lawyers for Donald Trump are asking New York Judge Juan Merchan to vacate his criminal conviction for falsifying business records related to payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, citing the Supreme Court’s recent decision on presidential immunity.

  • In a 55-page court filing made public Thursday, Trump’s team argued that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office used evidence related to his official acts as president. They argue that such documents could not be used under the immunity ruling.

The Spin

Republican narrative

In addition to being a coordinated hit job by Democratic partisans, Trump’s hush money trial and conviction was an illegitimate farce based on illegal evidence. Anti-Trump Democrats Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan worked in unison to rush their predetermined verdict before the Supreme Court ruled on the issue of presidential immunity. The prosecution’s flimsy argument depended on evidence related to Trump’s official acts as president, and the entire case must be vacated in the wake of SCOTUS’ decision.

Democratic narrative

Trump and his team are trying to stretch SCOTUS’ immunity ruling to the absolute limit, arguing that the recent decision shields the president from any form of accountability. Trump’s lawyers are now arguing that Tweets and conversations are “official acts” of the executive in an attempt to clear Trump of the only indictment that went to trial. Trump has pulled out every trick in the book, and with the help of a right-wing Supreme Court, he may be able to completely avoid paying for his crimes.

Nerd narrative

There is a 15% chance that Donald Trump will be jailed or incarcerated before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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