16 July 2024

Daily Newsletter

Jailed Greek Mayor Freed to Take Oath as EU Lawmaker

The Facts

  • Fredi Beleri, a Greek-born Albanian politician recently elected member of the European Parliament (MEP), arrived in Athens on Monday, a day after he was granted a five-day leave from an Albanian prison.

  • Beleri was temporarily freed to attend the opening session of the new European Parliament in Strasbourg after he won a Greek seat in the EU legislature as a member of the ruling New Democracy party.

The Spin

Narrative A

Albanian authorities have, at least, complied with their obligation to allow Beleri to attend to his responsibilities in the European Parliament. However, the state of the rule of law in that country remains a matter of concern as Beleri has long been deprived of his presumption of innocence.

Narrative B

Beleri has been a threat to Albania. He joined the Greek army three decades ago to attack an Albanian border post and kill two soldiers, and last year reappeared calling to Hellenize Himara in a Greece-funded campaign based on buying votes. However, allowing him to leave Albania is no sign of weakness but rather a civilized move.

Nerd narrative

There's an 80% chance that Albania will be part of the EU in 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Study: Climate Change Is Making Earth's Days Longer

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Monday, mass redistribution due to rising sea levels caused by the melting of the polar ice caps is changing the length of a day on Earth.

  • The length of day, the time it takes for the planet to rotate on its axis, is about 86.4K seconds long. The study found an acceleration in the change of the day's length from 0.3-1.0 milliseconds per century during the 20th century to 1.33 (plus or minus 0.03 milliseconds) per century since 2000.

The Spin

Narrative A

People view their life experiences on a mental timeline that isn't linear. Traumatic events feel immediate, while distant future threats seem less pressing. This influences human perceptions of climate change impacts — such as even the discussion of lengthening days. Localized, present-focused communication may motivate action by highlighting current impacts. Additionally, our subjective experience of time, influenced by mood, culture, and daily rhythms, means climate messaging must be nuanced.

Narrative B

Climate change alarmism is politically driven. The fears are exaggerated and driven by insufficient data and natural climate variability. The movement is rooted in anti-capitalist sentiment, targeting oil companies. Climate models predicting catastrophic warming are inaccurate, and fossil fuels are essential for human survival. Festering about an alleged microscopic, imperceptible increase in the length of a day is a classic example.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that global CO2 emissions will be 34.1B tonnes by 2032, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Elon Musk to Donate $45M Monthly to Pro-Trump Super PAC

The Facts

  • The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that tech billionaire Elon Musk, two days after endorsing Donald Trump, plans to donate $45M per month to a pro-Trump super PAC geared toward fueling his presidential campaign.

  • Bloomberg reports that Musk has already made a substantial donation to the America PAC, though the exact amount remains unknown. The PAC must make the donor list public by July 15.

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

It's a sad day indeed to learn that Trump is selling out America to billionaires like Elon Musk in return for checks that will pay not only for his campaign but also for his legal fees. Regardless of whether the Journal's report rings true, several Musk orbiters have already contributed to Trump's efforts and Musk has openly endorsed him, as the ultra-wealthy only look out for themselves. America should not be for sale.

Pro-Trump narrative

It's no secret that Biden's disastrous policies have nourished Elon Musk and Donald Trump relations in recent years after having had a rather contentious relationship, so much so that, according to media reports, if Trump wins in November, he might appoint Musk to a White House advisory post on border security and the economy. It's Musk's prerogative to support the best candidate.

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Russia Should Attend Second Peace Summit, Zelenskyy Says

The Facts

  • In his first press conference since attending the NATO summit in Washington last week, Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday that Russia should attend a second peace summit after it was excluded from the first event a month earlier.

  • A total of 78 countries signed the final communiqué from the June conference in Switzerland. However, a number of attendees were absent from the signatory list, with many calling for eventual Russian participation.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Should Ukraine, as the victim of this war, decide it's in their interests to negotiate, the US will support this as has always been the case. However, it should be noted that Russia has never been serious about diplomacy, and engaging with it should be treated with serious skepticism.

Pro-Ukraine narrative

According to polls, a growing number of Ukrainians do support the prospect of starting negotiations with Russia. However, the data is clear that Putin's aspirations of holding onto Ukrainian territories are overwhelmingly rejected by the populace and that the return of Ukraine's borders should be the basis of any agreement.

Pro-Russia narrative

The first event held by Ukraine did not resemble a peace summit in any sense of the term. The Kremlin would need to have a much firmer understanding of what the second event would entail before it can meaningfully comment on its participation.

Nerd narrative

There is a 3% chance there will be a bilateral cease-fire or peace agreement in the Russo-Ukraine conflict in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Admits Bull's-Eye Comment on Trump Was a 'Mistake'

The Facts

  • In an interview with NBC News on Monday, US Pres. Joe Biden said it was a "mistake" to say that it's time to put former Pres. Donald Trump "in a bull's-eye" days before the Republican nominee survived an assassination attempt.

  • On July 8, Biden made the remark in a private call with top Democratic donors and bundlers in his National Finance Committee. It became public after Politico acquired a recording of the call and reported its contents.

The Spin

Republican narrative

For years, Democrats have failed to accept Trump's presidency and continually framed him as a monster, fascist, and a threat to American democracy. There's no doubt they bear the blame for creating the environment in which such an assassination attempt could take place.

Democratic narrative

If anyone is responsible for creating an environment of violence in American politics, it's Trump. Be it his anti-immigrant rhetoric, his failure to condemn hate crimes, or his denouncing the 2020 election result, there's a long list of items in which he is the one stoking division.

Nerd narrative

There's a 75% chance that Donald Trump will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Immigration Led to Largest Population Growth in England and Wales in 75 Years

The Facts

  • According to UK government data, the combined population of England and Wales jumped by 610K to 60.9M in mid-2023, largely thanks to 622K new immigrants. A total of about 1M people immigrated to the UK in the year up to mid-2023, while 462K left.

  • In certain parts of England and Wales, one in 22 residents moved there in 2023. For example, in Middlesbrough, which has a population of about 150K, just under 6.8K international migrants moved there last year.

The Spin

Narrative A

Liberals have been running the UK for decades, whether it be leftist Labour or fake conservative Tories. While the left panders to immigrants and ethnic minorities for ideological reasons — they despise British heritage — the Tories did so for selfish economic reasons thanks to their construction donors needing more migrants to build houses for. As far back as the 90s, those who were wary of this trend were called racist, but now their fears have been proven justified.

Narrative B

What anti-immigration pundits fail to understand is that the British economy requires migration to meet its workforce needs. The incoming policies proposed by Labour are a perfect compromise of liberal and conservative ideals, including welcoming skilled workers and students while also retaining the ban on students bringing their family members with them. Skilled labor will help the whole economy, but most importantly the crumbling National Health Service.

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Colombia Soccer Chief Faces Battery Charges After Arrest at Copa America Final

The Facts

  • The president of the Colombian Football Federation, Ramón Jesurún, and his 43-year-old son have been charged with battery on official employees during the Copa América final between Argentina and Colombia on Sunday in Miami.

  • They were arrested at Hard Rock Stadium following the game and booked into the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center a little after 4 a.m. on Monday. Later that day, they were released on bail.

The Spin

Narrative A

As chaotic scenes have marred the Copa America final in Miami on Sunday, it's shocking to learn that even Colombia's soccer chief has been involved in physical altercations with security guards. When even an authority exhibits unruly behavior, it's hard to expect anything different from ordinary fans.

Narrative B

First and foremost, it's key to stress that this incident has nothing to do with chaotic scenes seen outside the Hard Rock Stadium before kick-off. While the Jesurúns did have a brawl with officials, these charges are completely unjustified as the fight only started because security guards barred them in disregard of their official credentials.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that a club from a continent other than Europe or South America will win the FIFA Club World Cup by June 2039, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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WHO: Child Vaccination Rates Lag in 2023

The Facts

  • Data published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF purports that an additional 2.7M children were under or un-vaccinated in 2023 compared to 2019, based on their analysis of immunization trends for 14 diseases.

  • The number of children who haven't received a single dose of the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) vaccine — a benchmark figure for child immunization — went from 12.8M pre-pandemic to 14.5M in 2023, while 6.5M did not receive their final, third dose of the shot.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

In many countries with the privileges of wealth, stability, and good healthcare systems, vaccine misinformation has led to a drop in child immunization rates and the reemergence of diseases such as measles. The West must lead by example and clamp down on dangerous distortions of vaccine efficacy and safety and step-up on the world stage to encourage universal immunization.

Establishment-critical narrative

The data coming from the WHO is troubling but must not become fodder for the censorship crowd that hopelessly politicized the COVID pandemic. Tragic conflicts around the globe, not social media posts, are responsible for the recent dip, and health authorities must focus on clear, consistent messaging over brow-beating in order to restore the trust of the public.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that at least 14 US states will have a kindergarten measles vaccination rate below 90% for the 2025 school year, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: North Korean Diplomat Defected to South Korea

The Facts

  • South Korea's National Intelligence Service has reported that a former North Korean diplomat based in Cuba defected to South Korea. He has been identified by South Korean media as Ri Il Gyu, who worked in Cuba for nine years before leaving his job in November 2023.

  • In an interview with South Korean news outlet Chosun Ilbo, Ri, 52, said he enrolled in the North's Foreign Ministry in 1999. He, among the few other diplomats who have been able to defect, chose to go straight to the South to avoid the tight security imposed by Pyongyang.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

These defections shouldn't be a surprise since younger generations of North Koreans are beginning to prioritize economic progress over loyalty to the Kim regime. By going south, they find freedom and prosperity. This could lead to reunification if the South successfully assimilates these defectors into their economy and culture.

Establishment-critical narrative

Since the end of World War II, South Korea has been a vassal state of the American empire, unwilling to negotiate reunification peacefully. Both sides of the border want to come together, but in order to do so Washington needs to lift its hold on the region and allow sovereign countries to pursue their own policies.

Nerd narrative

There's an 8% chance that there will be a major famine in North Korea before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Individuals in US and Israel Made Donations to Groups Blocking Aid to Gaza

The Facts

  • The Associated Press and the Israeli investigative site Shomrim found that three groups that have blocked aid from entering Gaza have raised more than $200K in tax-deductible donations from individuals in the US and Israel. Both countries have said they are committed to getting food, water, and medicine into Gaza.

  • Last month, the US placed sanctions on Tzav 9, which it accused of being an "extremist" group that had blocked aid convoys destined for Gaza — citing an incident in May when members of the group looted and then set fire to two trucks in the West Bank loaded with aid.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The US is committed to countering extremist Israeli groups that actively work against American and Israeli values. The US has consistently called for more aid to enter Gaza and has placed sanctions on fringe groups that attempted to thwart that humanitarian objective.

Pro-Israel narrative

The focus on fringe extremist groups in Israel by the media and Biden administration demonstrates a clear detachment from reality. The primary groups exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza are Hamas and Hezbollah — as the infrequent acts of groups in Israel have not had a significant impact on aid delivery.

Pro-Palestine narrative

It should be clear after over nine months of grinding brutality that Israel's true goal is to destroy Gaza and starve its people. Though the US and Israel say they want to ease the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, little meaningful action has been taken to improve the situation. The US must force Israel to finally stop this horrific war.

Nerd narrative

There's a 60% chance that Israel will have de facto power in the Gaza Strip on January 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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