30 August 2024

Daily Newsletter

Study: Marmosets Call Each Other by Names

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • According to a study published in the journal Science on Thursday, marmoset monkeys communicate with one another by name, a behavior hitherto observed in only elephants and dolphins, besides human beings.

  • A team of scientists from Israel's Hebrew University found marmosets using special vocal calls, or "phee calls," to "label and address specific individuals."

The Spin

Narrative A

This major discovery suggests there were precursors for language development in non-human primates. It also challenged the notion that communicating with each other by name is a uniquely human trait. This ability serves practical and emotional purposes across species besides allowing individuals to track and address social companions.

Narrative B

Anthropomorphism can lead to misunderstandings of animal behavior and inappropriate interactions with wildlife. While certain species, like primates and elephants, show behaviors that appear more "human-like," it's crucial to recognize that animal cognition and emotions may be fundamentally different from those of humans.

Nerd narrative

There's an 85% chance that any sovereign government will issue a formal apology for their treatment of farm animals by 2200, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Red Sea: Houthis Release Video of Fighters Planting Bombs on Tanker

The Facts

  • Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis posted footage on Thursday showing their fighters storming aboard and planting bombs on Greek oil tanker Sounion before setting them off last week.

  • The video then cuts to when at least six simultaneous blasts are set off and masked fighters carrying Kalashnikov-style rifles are heard shouting slogans.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The recent attack on the Sounion demonstrates that the Iran-backed Houthis are willing to take extreme measures in the Red Sea despite their consequences. Given that there is an environmental and navigational threat, it's crucial for the world to put the salvage operation first. Then, it's imperative to take steps to further counter Houthi actions in the Red Sea.

Establishment-critical narrative

While the Western media covers this issue by painting Houthis as terrorists, they're neglecting to add that Israel has been bombing Yemeni shipping ports, too. For instance, Israel last month bombed Hodeidah — a critical location for humanitarian aid. This bombing was likely a war crime and shows the ethics of the so-called "rules-based order" for what it is.

Nerd narrative

There is a 5% chance there will be an Israel-Hamas conflict cease-fire lasting at least 30 days agreed to before November 5th, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Elections: First Harris-Walz Interview Airs on CNN

The Facts

  • US VP Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, her running mate, conducted their first formal interview as the Democratic Party's 2024 presidential ticket with CNN on Thursday.

  • CNN's Dana Bash asked Harris to comment on her changing views on certain policies over the years, such as her support of banning fracking in 2019. Harris explained, "No, and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020, that I would not ban fracking."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

To the disappointment of her detractors, Harris' first interview proved she's competent under pressure and not as ideologically radical as Republicans paint her. She was pragmatic and calm throughout Bash's questions as the vice president set out her policy agenda in more detail. Unfortunately for Republicans, this wasn't the stumbling block for the Harris-Walz campaign they hoped for.

Republican narrative

This interview was weak and deceptive. Bash's questions were largely poor, and any time the vice president was asked anything remotely uncomfortable, it was clear that the Democratic candidate was more than willing to mislead the American people. If Thursday night's performance is anything to go off, the real Harris will likely be put to the sword in her upcoming live debate with Trump.

Nerd narrative

There's a 55% chance that Harris will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Canada: Student Protests Held Amid Immigration Policy Scrapping

The Facts

  • International students reportedly held protests across Canada this week over the nation's immigration policies amid concerns that over 70K students could face deportation at the end of this year when their work permits are up.

  • The demonstrations — held across provinces including Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia — come as the government scrapped a short-term COVID-era rule on Wednesday that allowed visitors to apply for work permits without having to leave the country.

The Spin

Narrative A

Canada's international student program has exploded, with numbers skyrocketing from over 122K in 2000 to nearly 900K in 2023. This is straining housing, infrastructure, and healthcare. Many now view the program as a path to work and citizenship rather than education. The government's policies have encouraged this shift, allowing increased work hours and easier paths to residency. Canada has no choice but to limit the influx of foreign students.

Narrative B

Canada's move to limit foreign students is unfair, given the immense value they bring to the country. These students contribute an estimated $30B annually to the economy, supporting over 1.6K educational institutions and boosting local economies. However, many international students face significant challenges upon arrival, including exorbitant tuition fees and limited job prospects. This approach prioritizes short-term concerns over the long-term benefits of cultural exchange and economic growth.

Nerd narrative

There is a 72% chance that the Conservative Party will win the most seats in the next Canadian federal election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Ukraine F-16 Fighter Jet Crashes, Pilot Killed

Photo: Verity

The Facts

  • Ukraine's Army General Staff confirmed Thursday that one of the at least six F-16 fighter jets Kyiv had reportedly received from NATO allies to fight against Russia crashed on Monday during a massive Russian aerial attack.

  • The pilot, Colonel Alexei "Moonfish" Mes, was killed in the incident, which happened after Russia launched more than 200 missiles and drones at Ukraine. Mes reportedly destroyed three cruise missiles and one drone before the aircraft went down.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The F-16s are no silver bullet or a magic pill. They would neither deny Russia control over the skies nor give Ukraine an upper hand on the battlefield as they will be consistently destroyed by most modern Russian combat aircraft. The crash of the fighter jet on its soil shows Ukraine is in rough shape and it's incompetent in managing Western prowess or tipping the scales.

Pro-establishment narrative

Whether the F-16 crash was caused by friendly fire, Russian fire, or human error, the loss of its strategically important F-16 jet and the death of its star pilot shouldn't result in Ukraine losing its momentum against Russia. The West must keep its trust in Ukraine and allow it to use long-range missiles to hit targets further into Russia to deter the Kremlin from reaching its battlefield goals and defeat it once and for all.

Nerd narrative

There's an 8% chance that there will be a direct conflict between Russia and any NATO member state before 2027, according to the Metaculus community prediction.

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Trump Proposes Universal Coverage for IVF

The Facts

  • Former US Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said several times on Thursday that he would ensure the cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) would be covered if he's reelected this fall.

  • Speaking to a crowd in Potterville, Mich., Trump said under his administration, the government or insurance companies would pay for "all costs associated with IVF treatment" because "we want more babies, to put it nicely."

The Spin

Republican narrative

Trump continues to prove he's a maverick who's willing to buck the party line to make lives better for average Americans. His support of coverage for IVF shows he isn't beholden to the Republican elites and plans to be a champion for women's rights if he's reelected.

Democratic narrative

If Trump truly believes in covering IVF, he's not just moving toward the political middle; he's going progressive. His administration didn't do anything even close to this during his first term. But considering this announcement was presented without any details about funding or navigating state laws, it was probably made off the cuff in an attempt to pander to women voters.

Conservative narrative

This is a slap in the face to the pro-life movement, which has diligently supported Trump throughout his presidential campaigns. Maintaining the legality of IVF — considering how many embryos are destroyed to support this process — is a leftist policy, and financially supporting it will place an undue burden on taxpayers and drive up insurance premiums. Trump must rethink this position.

Nerd narrative

There's a 2% chance that elective abortion will be banned nationally in the US before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Libya: Central Bank Chief Flees From Militias

The Facts

  • The head of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL), Sadiq al-Kabir, announced Friday that he and other bank employees have fled the country due to threats from militias in the country's west. Al-Kabir claims the threats are the reason CBL operations have come to a halt for over a week.

  • In a telephone call, al-Kabir told the Financial Times, "militias are threatening and terrifying bank staff" and "sometimes abducting their children and relatives to force them to go to work."

The Spin

Narrative A

If this crisis goes unsolved for too long, Libya's oil-dependent economy could collapse, leading to financial devastation for millions and an all-out war between militant factions. Luckily, al-Kabir still maintains control of the bank's online systems from afar and enjoys protection from Turkey. al-Kabir must work to combat outside influences like Russia while also offering to negotiate with his internal enemies.

Narrative B

While this crisis is undoubtedly a fight over money and power, Libyan groups aren't the only ones involved. Ever since the UN and US inserted al-Kabir into leadership in 2011, he's done nothing but run out of money and overcharge people. To act as if warring factions just randomly decided to hate the man is ludicrous, and Libya's economy won't heal until the West stops meddling in its affairs.

Nerd narrative

There's a 60% chance that Libya will experience a successful coup d'etat before Jan. 1, 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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California Passes AI Regulation Bill

The Facts

  • The California State Assembly on Wednesday passed SB 1047, which if signed into law would create new restrictions on artificial intelligence (AI).

  • The Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act, which passed a final Senate vote and will now be sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom's desk, would require companies to test their AI models and publicly disclose safety protocols they have in place to stop their models from being manipulated.

The Spin

Narrative A

There's no doubt the positive effects of AI — including in the realms of medicine and science — are nearly unlimited. But one can't ignore the possible negative impacts it can have. A balance must be struck between unhindered development and stifling regulation, which is why this bill has been amended several times and does what it can to assure safe development of AI in California and across the globe.

Narrative B

This bill may be well-intentioned but it's even more ill-informed. It will stifle innovation while not addressing specific harmful applications. As the capital of innovation and the birthplace of AI, California can do a better job of regulating while also working with the entrepreneurs and innovators who are making the world a better place rather than enlarging the bureaucracy.

Nerd narrative

There's a 15% chance that the US or California will require licenses to train large AI models before 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: US Urges Israel to Change Evacuation Order Procedures

The Facts

  • NPR reported on Thursday that the US has urged Israel to change what it deemed its “drastically increased” pace of evacuation orders in Gaza that have repeatedly displaced tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, according to a US Embassy memo.

  • The US reportedly wants Israel to issue evacuation orders 48 hours before it begins military operations. The memo also stated that Israel should cancel the orders once operations are over, allowing the civilian population to return.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

With the clock ticking, the US and its allies are confident that after some tough negotiating, a deal between Israel and Hamas can be reached. A guaranteed end to the war will ensure increased humanitarian aid to the besieged enclave, the release of Israeli hostages, and create a better "day after" in Gaza without Hamas in power. The US will continue to work toward closing the gaps and ensuring that peace and stability can be restored to the region.

Pro-Israel narrative

The battle for Rafah was so important because it allowed Israeli forces to prevent Hamas from utilizing its subterranean supply lines into Gaza. Indeed, preventing Hamas from re-establishing these supply lines will prove crucial in defeating the terrorist group, and Netanyahu is correct in making the Philadelphi Corridor a red line. Israel cannot repeat past mistakes and will continue to hold firm in its demands.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Israel's aggressive posture only demonstrates that it is a rogue state that would rather light the region on fire than stop its genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Netanyahu continues to engage in provocative acts because he has failed to achieve his political and military objectives. While Netanyahu extends the war to ensure his political survival, the US continues to support Israel with a blank check and obfuscate its role in the carnage.

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