05 September 2024

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Meta Oversight Board: 'From the River to the Sea' Not Hate Speech

The Facts

  • A Meta-funded oversight body on Wednesday ruled that the phrase "from the river to the sea" — which supports Palestinian nationalism — is acceptable speech which doesn't violate the company's hate speech policies.

  • The panel reviewed three posts and noted that "the phrase has multiple meanings," adding that the said posts "contain contextual signs of solidarity with Palestinians — but no language calling for violence."

The Spin

Pro-Palestine narrative

The phrase represents Palestinian aspirations for freedom and justice across their historical homeland. It's a call for liberation from oppression, not a threat to any group. Rather than being restricted, this slogan should be understood in its full context as an expression of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and peaceful coexistence in a land with deep meaning for multiple communities.

Pro-Israel narrative

Meta must restrict this phrase due to its ambiguous and potentially harmful connotations for Israel, which makes the slogan easily misinterpreted and allows critics to accuse well-meaning protesters of supporting antisemitism or genocide. Given the current situation in Gaza, using such a contentious slogan distracts from the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis. Instead, activists should opt for clearer, unambiguous language that explicitly opposes violence and supports human rights for all.

Nerd narrative

There's a 17% chance that at least 500K Palestinians will be displaced from Gaza before Dec. 31, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Sanctions Russians Over Alleged Election Interference

The Facts

  • The US Departments of Justice (DOJ), State, and Treasury Wednesday took significant steps against what they claim to be Russian government-backed attempts to influence the upcoming US election in November.

  • The DOJ accused two employees of Russia Today (RT), Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, of investing $10M in the Tennessee-based company Tenet Media. The DOJ claims American political pundits who worked with Tenet were "deceive[d]" into pushing "hidden Russian government messaging."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Russian propaganda efforts have become increasingly sophisticated and persistent in the run-up to European and US elections. As Russia's determination to manipulate Western public opinion grows, its ability to do so, even through artificial intelligence, has made producing propaganda even easier and cheaper. Unless tech and media companies are aware of these schemes, Western countries will have no idea if the content they consume is organic or created by Russia.

Establishment-critical narrative

While it's true that Russia conducts influence operations, what the FBI and DOJ are trying to do here is smear anyone critical of American military intervention abroad. Political commentators like Tim Pool have always been anti-war, which is why Washington is using this story to paint them as Russian puppets in bad faith. Accordingly, US intelligence agencies are quite literally influencing the election just as they've accused Moscow of doing.

Nerd narrative

There is a 10% chance of a US-Russia war before 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Kamala Harris Proposes $50K Small Business Tax Deduction

The Facts

  • Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris proposed on Wednesday that the small business tax credit be expanded tenfold to $50K, with the aim of encouraging entrepreneurship in the US.

  • Speaking in New Hampshire, Harris proposed letting new small businesses allocate the tax deduction over many years or claim the $50K cut when they become profitable.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Kamala Harris faces a tough challenge in winning over small business owners, who mostly lean toward supporting another Trump administration. In that context, her decision to champion tax breaks benefiting small businesses is bold, as is her promise to cut red tape. By addressing these concerns, Harris can appeal to entrepreneurs who feel overlooked.

Republican narrative

Kamala Harris' promised tax plan for small businesses comes against the backdrop of another proposal to hike corporate tax, which could have significant negative effects on small businesses besides the broader economy. Small businesses that rely on larger corporations could be badly hit. In contrast, Trump's proposed tax relief could boost earnings, making Harris's plan appear detrimental by comparison.

Nerd narrative

There's a 98% chance that a US presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will be held on Sept. 10, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US, EU, UK Sign International AI Treaty

The Facts

  • The US, EU, UK, Israel, and six other nations signed the first-ever legally binding international artificial intelligence treaty during a Council of Europe (COE) summit in Vilnius on Thursday.

  • The document was initially passed in May, having been negotiated between the Council of Europe's 46 members (including all EU countries) and 11 external nations.

The Spin

Narrative A

Having witnessed a series of voluntary agreements in the UK and South Korea, the shift to legally binding commitments is a welcome step forward in the bid to appease growing concerns over the dangers AI may pose to humanity. While tech regulation is not without its critics, and questions remain over ensuring effective implementation, the treaty is nonetheless a landmark milestone.

Narrative B

Following pressure from countries such as the US, the COE's public sector-focused convention is unfortunately filled with caveats and exemptions. With private companies mostly excluded and the use of ambiguous language likely to hinder enforcement, the AI treaty is far from what many had hoped and expected.

Narrative C

AI hysteria has led to a demand for regulation far too early in the technology's development. While AI's capabilities may certainly one day reach a level of sophistication or danger that requires intervention, evidence from Europe shows that, for now, this will likely only stifle research and innovation out of fear of an unlikely existential crisis.

Nerd narrative

There is a 62% chance that an international AI regulatory agency for the oversight of transformative AI systems will be established before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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German Police Kill Armed Man Near Israeli Consulate

The Facts

  • German police shot and killed a gunman in Munich during an exchange of gunfire close to the Israeli consulate on Thursday.

  • Police identified the suspect as an 18-year-old Austrian national who was armed with a vintage hunting rifle. He was shot in Karolinenplatz, a square close to the Israeli consulate and a Nazi documentation center — both of which receive special security because they're considered high-risk for attacks.

The Spin

Narrative A

Considering the place and timing of this incident, it's obvious this suspect was trying to send an anti-Israel message with an attempted attack. Israeli institutions, as well as Jewish institutions, in Germany have faced increased threats since Hamas' Oct. 7, 2024 attack on Israel, and more must be done to protect these facilities.

Narrative B

If police stopped an act of terrorism, that's a relief. But the motive behind this incident shouldn't be prematurely attributed to antisemitism. Due to historical guilt, Germany has made its support for Israel its "reason of state" to the point of heavily restricting public discourse over the conflict — to the detriment of Palestinians and Israelis alike.

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Trump, Harris Campaigns Agree to Debate Rules

The Facts

  • ABC News has announced its official rules ahead of Democratic presidential nominee Vice Pres. Kamala Harris and Republican nominee former Pres. Donald Trump's first debate scheduled for 9 pm ET on Sept. 10.

  • Harris' campaign has agreed to mute microphones during the opposing candidate's turn to speak during the 90-minute debate in Philadelphia after attempting to change the rules that had previously been agreed upon under Pres. Joe Biden's campaign.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Harris obviously doesn't want to debate Trump, so her campaign tried to change the rules in order to get the former president to back out. Well, he called their bluff, even though he shouldn't have to debate her since his original agreement was with Biden. Hopefully, ABC's favoritism toward Harris won't impact it fairly conducting this important event.

Democratic narrative

By agreeing to the rules, the Harris campaign has denied Trump the excuse he wanted for backing out. So instead of pulling out, Trump is predictably claiming the network will be unfair to him — establishing his excuses for losing before he even gets on the stage with Harris, whom he's constantly denigrated since she became her party's nominee.

Nerd narrative

There's a 98.3% chance that there will be a US presidential debate between Trump and Harris on Sept. 10, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Fire Destroys 20% of Brasilia Forest

The Facts

  • On Monday, a wildfire started in the National Forest of Brasilia, destroying more than 20% of the forest before firefighters brought it under control on Wednesday.

  • The National Forest includes 5.6K hectares (13.8K acres) and supplies 70% of the capital's freshwater through its springs. Dry vegetation and high temperatures during the dry season were attributed to the fire's rapid spread.

The Spin

Narrative A

The delayed and less intense rainfall last year, caused by the El Niño weather pattern and exacerbated by climate change, has led to a severe drought in the Amazon this year. This has made the Amazon region particularly susceptible to the increased risk of wildfires. The government must intensify its efforts to save the rainforest by stepping up environmental controls.

Narrative B

Criminal activity is fueling the many fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, resulting in enormous damage to the environment and wildlife. Furthermore, the fires negatively impact the region's air quality, leading to its official classification as "very poor." While environmental controls are certainly needed, they will do little to actually address the problem unless they go in hand with measures to address environmental crimes.

Nerd narrative

There is a 19% chance Brazil will reach net zero deforestation before 2031, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Canada: Trudeau Govt in Minority After NDP Pulls Support

The Facts

  • Canada's New Democratic Party (NDP) leader, Jagmeet Singh, has withdrawn from the "supply and confidence" agreement his party had signed with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals in 2022.

  • The Liberals-NDP agreement — which committed the NDP to support the Liberals on key confidence votes in exchange for Trudeau backing the NDP's key legislative priorities — was scheduled to run until June 2025.

The Spin

Narrative A

The key reason for the NDP to withdraw support from the Liberals now is a fundamental difference in values on corporate greed between the two parties. Additionally, many of the promises the Liberals made to the NDP have yet to be fully realized. A true leader leads people out of adversity, but Trudeau let people down. He doesn't deserve another chance from Canadians. The country is fed up with the Liberals — the tide is turning on Trudeau.

Narrative B

Singh has not just stabbed Trudeau in the back, but his stunt also risks putting all of the successful programs the government has implemented over the last three years and bringing the hard-right Conservatives to power. Following Poilievre's call to abandon his agreement with the Liberals would backfire for the NDP. The agreement's end will help cement Trudeau's position as leader, while Singh will have to part with the power it had while the agreement was in effect.

Narrative C

The Liberals-DNP agreement was a marriage of convenience, and it ended because it was no longer convenient. There's no need to celebrate or fear the fall of the government. Canadians never asked for a parliamentary alliance that resulted in the longest-lived minority government in Canada's history and did little good to its people. Exhausted Canadians yearn for a healthy political environment wherein lawmakers focus on specific issues facing the country, not on looking for a change in leadership all the time.

Nerd narrative

There's an 85% chance that Pierre Poilievre will become the prime minister of Canada before 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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China Offers Africa $51B and 1M Jobs

The Facts

  • During the China-Africa Cooperation Summit (FOCAC) in Beijing on Thursday, Pres. Xi Jinping promised to invest $51B across the African continent over three years, claiming its investments would create 1M jobs.

  • The 2024 FOCAC, the ninth such gathering since its creation, is attended by more than 50 African heads of state, including many, such as presidents of South Africa and Kenya, speaking with Pres. Xi separately ahead of the event.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The problem with public criticism of China-Africa relations is that you never know which story was influenced by Western intelligence agencies. Whether you like China's investment strategy or not, it's important to know that the majority of African debt is from Western countries and private firms. Those interested in this issue shouldn't let the CIA sway their opinion on the matter.

Pro-establishment narrative

While China may not be the only player lending money to Africa, it certainly is the only one scheming to trap the continent in an unsustainable amount of debt. Contrary to the West, Beijing's loans contain hidden conditions that favor the PRC at the expense of already struggling nations. Why would the terms of this agreement be any different?

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