10 September 2024

Daily Newsletter

Pacific Island Nations Submit ICC 'Ecocide' Proposal

The Facts

  • On Monday, Vanuatu, Fiji, and Samoa presented a court proposal to the International Criminal Court (ICC), requesting the classification of environmental destruction, or "ecocide," as a crime on par with war crimes and genocide.

  • According to the proposal, ecocide is defined in the proposal as "unlawful or wanton acts, committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment, being caused by those acts."

The Spin

Narrative A

Ecocide, the destruction of nature, should be a global crime. An ICC designation would enable the Paris Agreement to force nations to reduce emissions. A global climate emergency would require nations to modify laws — existing regulations won't save the planet. For Pacific Island nations like Fiji, Vanuatu, and Samoa ecocide is an ever-present and existential threat — countries on the front lines of environmental crisis especially deserve a legal recourse.

Narrative B

"Ecocide" comes from a long tradition of climate change and environmental alarmism, dating to the hyperbolic "eco-catastrophe" rhetoric of the late 1960s. It's one thing to discuss some common-sense adaptation approaches to a changing environment, but it's a slippery slope to indulge in apocalyptic environmental catastrophizing that has real legal and policy implications. It's far more effective to go down a path of thoughtful analysis and pragmatic solutions.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the Climate Clock will hit zero by Nov. 2028, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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DOJ Indicts Alleged White Supremacists Over Accusations of Attempting to Spark Race War

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • US prosecutors on Monday charged Dallas Erin Humber and Matthew Robert Allison for allegedly attempting to incite racial attacks on Black people, Jewish people, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and immigrants, so as to spark a global race war.

  • Humber and Robert allegedly lead "Terrorgram Collective," a transnational terrorist group based on Telegram, to promote white supremacist "accelerationism" and target senators, judges, and state officials.

The Spin

Narrative A

With a significant rise in violent incidents in recent years, extremism driven by white supremacist ideology has outpaced all other forms of domestic terrorism. These groups, often operating through decentralized networks and heavily influenced by online propaganda, have been responsible for the majority of terrorist plots and attacks in recent years. Their actions' growing frequency and intensity highlight the urgent need for robust countermeasures to protect public safety and maintain national security.

Narrative B

The threat of white supremacist extremism in the US is exaggerated. The Justice Department's data on domestic terrorism convictions shows that many cases labeled as terrorism involve unrelated personal disputes or non-terrorism crimes. Despite a decade of substantial funding for counterterrorism, the actual number of cases linked to white supremacists is much lower than reported. This undermines public confidence and suggests that the perceived threat may not be as severe as the government claims.

Nerd narrative

There's a 0.2% chance that inter-racial marriage will be banned in any US State by 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Germany to Tighten Border Control After Stabbing Incident

The Facts

  • Germany has announced that it will apply further temporary border checks from Sept. 16 in order to stop irregular migration and "protect the people in our country," following the deaths of three people after a stabbing in Solingen last month.

  • Germany's border totals over 3.7K Kilometres (2.3K Miles). Islamic State have claimed responsibility for August's attack, while German police have arrested a Syrian national in connection to the incident.

The Spin

Right narrative

A clampdown on immigration is a necessary response to the growing challenges posed by illegal migration. As Germany faces increasing pressure to prioritize public interest over Brussels' bureaucratic ideals and end migrant related crime and terror once and for all, these measures aim to restore order and ensure that the country's immigration system is both fair and manageable. By taking a firm stance, Germany is rightfully prioritizing its national security and social stability.

Left narrative

Clampdowns on immigration perpetuate harmful myths about migrants and crime which are exploited by far-right extremists to push an anti-immigrant agenda, despite evidence showing that immigrants commit fewer crimes than the general population. Such measures only fuel xenophobia and divisiveness, drawing on historical fears of the "other" to justify discrimination. Instead of addressing the root causes of crime or fostering social cohesion, this approach risks deepening societal rifts.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that at least 40% of the German population will have a migration background in 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK Begins Inquiry Into Nurse Lucy Letby Case

The Facts

  • The UK government opened a public inquiry Tuesday into the events at the Countess of Chester hospital’s neonatal unit where former nurse Lucy Letby worked from 2015 -2016. Letby was sentenced to life in prison last year for killing seven infants and attempting to kill seven others.

  • The inquiry, led by the senior Court of Appeal's Lady Justice Thirlwall, is expected to probe three areas of concern — the experience of the victims' parents, the conduct of the hospital's staff, and the broader culture of the National Health Service (NHS).

The Spin

Narrative A

Letby was handed multiple life sentences because she was at the scene of all seven infant deaths, it was proven that the babies were poisoned, and she wrote an incriminating note. It's unfortunate that armchair detectives are still pushing theories about her innocence online. It's time to turn the page from this open-and-shut case.

Narrative B

Letby could successfully appeal her conviction. One of the main pieces of evidence against her was a doctor who claimed he saw her standing over a dying baby, but this could've been hearsay. These could've potentially been the words of a nurse feeling guilty over the death of a baby. Given the amount of public support Letby has, it's worth reviewing this case one more time.

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At Least One Killed as Ukraine Launches Largest Drone Attack on Moscow

The Facts

  • Ukraine launched its largest drone attack on the Russian capital on Tuesday, killing at least one woman and damaging dozens of homes.

  • Without specifying how many Ukrainian drones were deployed or how many evaded missile defenses, Russia's Defense Ministry said it shot down a total of 144 unmanned aerial vehicles over nine regions overnight — including 20 over the Moscow region.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

As a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin launched thousands of drones and missiles into the country, killing thousands of people. In striking back, Ukraine is making ordinary Russians feel the price of Pres. Vladimir Putin's illegal invasion.

Pro-Russia narrative

As predicted by Russia, the worse that Ukraine does on the battlefield, despite the millions in military aid it receives, the more it will resort to terrorism by striking at civilians in Russia. Russia has a plan for dealing with this.

Nerd narrative

There is a 25% chance that Russia will have significantly expanded its controlled territory in Ukraine by January 1, 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Employees at Meta, OpenAI, Google Sign Letter in Support of California AI Bill

The Facts

  • Approximately 120 current or former employees from artificial intelligence and tech companies such as Anthrophic, Google's DeepMind, Meta, and OpenAI have signed a letter in support of California's AI regulation bill SB-1047.

  • SB-1047, authored by Democratic California State Sen. Scott Wiener, requires companies to test their AI models and publicly disclose their safety protocols to stop model manipulation, with oversight from third-party auditors. It also grants the state attorney general the power to sue developers who do not comply.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

California's AI bill seeks to castrate innovation within the tech industry. The text's naïve attempt to mitigate potential harm exposes a complete lack of understanding of the very sector politicians are attempting to restrict. While well-intended, SB-1047 is not the right solution to credible AI concerns.

Establishment-critical narrative

Having passed all stages of California's legislative process, all eyes are now on Gavin Newsom. While only time will tell if the governor will finally address the growing public concerns over increasingly sophisticated and dangerous AI models, recent history, unfortunately, shows the puppet politician will likely continue to bend the knee to Big Tech's demands.

Nerd narrative

There is a 47% chance that SB 1047 will be enacted before Oct. 1, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Princess of Wales Announces Completion of Cancer Treatment

The Facts

  • Princess of Wales Kate Middleton announced in a family video that she has completed her chemotherapy for cancer. The princess, who announced her diagnosis in March, said this year has been "incredibly tough."

  • In the video, which also featured her husband, Prince William, and their three children near their Sandringham estate in Norfolk, the Princess said the "cancer journey is complex, scary and unpredictable," adding, "stay[ing] cancer free is now my focus."

The Spin

Narrative A

Princess Kate represents the best of the Royal Family and the English people. Not only has she beaten cancer, but these terrible few months followed years of the public labeling her the Royal Family outsider. With all the troublesome stories taking over the public right now, the Princess of Wales has become the country's silver lining.

Narrative B

While nothing bad can be said about the Princess of Wales or her family on a personal level, this video release may be another failed attempt at trying to portray themselves as relatable. Members of the royal family — most notably Harry and Meghan — have failed at this in the past, so, hopefully, the same won't be true for Kate and William.

Nerd narrative

There is a 66% chance that any part of Great Britain will be under monarchy in 2075, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Australia Proposes Banning Children From Accessing Social Media

The Facts

  • Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced on Tuesday that his government would introduce legislation in parliament to enforce a minimum age limit for children using social media.

  • The age limit to access platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok is yet to be determined, but it's expected to apply to children between the ages of 14 and 16 and will be enforced before the May 2025 election.

The Spin

Narrative A

Though this reckless and populist policy may play well in media discourse, such measures infringe on children's right to expression and exclude young minds from meaningful, healthy engagement in the digital world. This ban could also inadvertently drive struggling teenagers to hide their social interactions using virtual private networks, seek help secretly, or drive dangerous online activity underground, exacerbating the dangers. Last but not least, it would let tech giants off the hook in making necessary reforms to the quality of content on their platforms.

Narrative B

There's nothing "social" about social media. Children must play real games on the field, make friends in real-time, and have real experiences with the real world. Australia isn't making an absurd, unprecedented decision. China, France, and several states in the US have restricted minors' social media use to protect them from mental harm. Albanese is committed to giving parents the power to push back against social media corporations and force tech giants to ban teenagers from their platforms or face penalties.

Narrative C

This is a complex issue, and there are better solutions than cutting off access to social media. Countries that have imposed age limits have difficulty enforcing the measures as there are numerous ways users can circumvent the restrictions. To protect Australia's children, the government must develop high-quality experiences online for children of all ages, equip parents with the tools to support their teenagers, and probably place tobacco-style warning labels on social media to alert users.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that a currently unknown social media app will reach 1B downloads worldwide by August 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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RFK Jr. Wins Removal from NC Ballot, Loses Michigan Bid

The Facts

  • Former independent candidate for US president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Monday received mixed results in his attempt to be removed from the ballot in certain swing states since he withdrew from the race and endorsed the Republican nominee, former Pres. Donald Trump.

  • In Michigan, the state Supreme Court reversed a lower-court decision and ruled Kennedy must stay on that state's ballot. In a brief order, the court said Kennedy "has not shown an entitlement to this extraordinary relief."

The Spin

Republican narrative

In places like Michigan, where the state Supreme Court is led by Democrats, confusion is sure to reign because of rulings that are meant to protect Harris from Kennedy voters switching to Trump. Keeping Kennedy off the ballot in such a partisan manner is sure to further reduce the public's faith in US election integrity.

Democratic narrative

Kennedy may think this is a political game he can control in order to steer voters to the candidate of his choice, but states can't just change direction based on the pleas of one man. Trump and Kennedy have no choice but to hope electors where Kennedy's lawsuits have failed don't vote for someone who pulled out of the race months before the election.

Nerd narrative

There's a 37% chance that the Republican nominee for president in 2024 will win Michigan, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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