24 September 2024

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Russian Cosmonauts Return to Earth After Record Stretch on ISS

The Facts

  • Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub returned Monday after a record-breaking 374 days in low-Earth orbit on the International Space Station (ISS).

  • Their Soyuz MS-25 capsule, also carrying the US' Tracy Dyson, reportedly made a smooth landing in the Kazakh Steppe 3.5 hours after undocking from ISS.

The Spin

Narrative A

Sending humans to space is an extraordinary feat, but is it necessary? With the immense costs, risks, and outdated technology involved, it may be more prudent to focus on robotic missions. These are more efficient, science-driven, and cost-effective — providing valuable insights without risking human lives. As we face urgent challenges on Earth, such as climate change, redirecting resources from human spaceflights could be a more responsible choice. While human missions inspire, the same goals can often be achieved through advanced robotics, sparing lives and resources.

Narrative B

Despite the challenges, sending humans to space is essential for our future. Issues like muscle atrophy and bone loss aside, research shows no insurmountable barriers to long-duration missions, including journeys to Mars. Advances in medicine and technology are making it possible to address these challenges. Human exploration brings invaluable insights and innovation that robots alone cannot achieve. The desire to expand humanity’s presence beyond Earth drives us to find solutions, ensuring that no obstacle — physiological or psychological — prevents humanity's journey into the cosmos.

Nerd narrative

There is a 77% chance humanity will maintain a continuous off-Earth presence until 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Earth May Have Surpassed 7 of 9 'Planetary Boundaries'

The Facts

  • According to a recent study of the planet's life support systems, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) say industrial civilization is on the verge of or has already crossed the seventh of nine "planetary boundaries."

  • The researchers say there has been a breach of the boundaries for climate change, biosphere integrity, land system change, freshwater change, biogeochemical flows, and the introduction of novel entities like synthetic chemicals or plastics.

The Spin

Narrative A

The release of the first Planetary Health Check Report represents a significant step forward in our understanding and preservation of Earth's stability and resilience. Staying within the safe operating zone of the nine planetary boundaries is critical to establishing a stable and sustainable world. Surpassing a boundary heightens the risk of irreversibly altering Earth's life support systems and crossing critical points. This is a call to action to mobilize political support to help restore already breached boundaries.

Narrative B

The notion of planetary boundaries is flawed and may mislead global environmental management initiatives. Six of the nine proposed boundaries don't actually have clear global biophysical limits — land use change, nitrogen levels, species loss, freshwater use, chemical pollution, and aerosol loading. In other words, there are no apparent global tipping points for these boundaries that would cause natural systems to behave differently than they have historically.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that the the Climate Clock will hit zero by June 2029, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Telegram to Provide User Data to Authorities Upon Legal Request

The Facts

  • Telegram Chief Executive Officer Pavel Durov announced in a post on his channel on the platform on Monday that the messaging app will provide user data to authorities "in response to valid" court orders.

  • According to its updated privacy policy, IP addresses and phone numbers of suspected criminals in cases that violate terms of services may be disclosed following a legal analysis of the request. As of Sunday, that applied only to terror suspects.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

After years of operating as if it were above the law, outrageously refusing to cooperate with authorities, and allowing criminal activity on the app to go on undeterred, Telegram is now taking steps to help law enforcement. And it's no coincidence that these changes follow the arrest of Durov — this was precisely the reality check needed.

Establishment-critical narrative

That Telegram has departed from its original privacy policy because France arrested Durov is indeed the most likely explanation — and this is quite concerning as other governments may rely on the same playbook to expand control over online speech and privacy. It's now clear that only a decentralized, community-run network can prevent censorship.

Nerd narrative

There's a 40% chance that Pavel Durov will leave France before January 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Zelenskyy: War With Russia is 'Closer to an End' Than Many Believe

The Facts

  • In an interview with ABC News released on Monday, Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he thinks that the war with Russia is "closer to an end" than many believe.

  • Zelenskyy made the remarks as he arrived in the US ahead of two days of UN General Assembly meetings. During the visit, he is scheduled to meet US Pres. Joe Biden on Thursday and brief him on Ukraine's "victory plan" — Zelenskyy's vision for bringing the two-and-a-half-year conflict to a close.

The Spin

Pro-Ukraine narrative

Russia will only negotiate a peace deal when it's on the back foot and at risk of losing the war. That's why it's imperative to make Ukraine's hand as strong as possible by lifting weapons restrictions and other measures.

Pro-Russia narrative

The war will inevitably end with peace, but only when Russia achieves the aims it has set itself. This includes Ukraine's neutral status, its deradicalization, as well as its acceptance that four regions voted in a referendum to be part of Russian territory.

Nerd narrative

There is a 1% chance there will be a bilateral cease-fire or peace agreement in the Russo-Ukraine conflict in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK: Starmer Gives Speech at Labour Party Conference

The Facts

  • UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer called for "national renewal" and warned of "unpopular" decisions despite "light at the end of the tunnel" during his speech at the Labour Party conference on Tuesday.

  • During his address, Starmer announced his intent to pass a duty of candor bill for public authorities and public servants named the "Hillsborough law" by next April, which will include criminal sanctions.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Starmer's speech proved largely successful in appropriately toeing the line between optimism and realism in a manner the party lacked during the first months of government. While there is much to do to answer the many demands of the millions stricken by over a decade of Tory failure, Starmer has now clearly laid out his expectations in front of his party and the nation. Now, it is up to the prime minister to make good on his promises and take control of his premiership.

Left narrative

A speech lacking in substantive detail while saturated in Tory-lite status quo caution, Starmer's speech was any optimistic progressive's worst nightmare. Despite promises of change, it is becoming more abundantly clear by the day that Starmer's Labour isn't brave enough to provide the meaningful reform the UK so desperately needs.

Right narrative

While many had expected Labour's first party conference with a sitting prime minister in 15 years to be a celebration, reality has quickly set in for Starmer's new government, which continues to realize that politics isn't so easy when you're no longer in opposition. Unlike the Blair years, Labour's policies and mood are devoid of enthusiasm and are already tiring the vast majority of the voting population. Things are shaping out to be a long and tiring five years for Starmer.

Nerd narrative

There is a 70% chance that the UK will have a Labour prime minister on Jan. 1, 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Study: Dating Apps Lead to US Income Inequality

The Facts

  • A new joint study from the US Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis, Mo., and Dallas, Texas, alongside Haverford College, has linked dating apps to at least half of the increase in income inequality from 1980-2020.

  • The study, which compared data on married couples from 1960 and 1980 with those from 2008-2021, found that women in the online dating era began a slight shift toward prioritizing men's ages while men focused a little more on education levels.

The Spin

Narrative A

Despite attempts to create the best profile pictures or inquisitive taglines, higher class individuals still notice specific cultural and linguistic differences in their online peers, prompting them to stay away from certain potential matches. For all its efforts, the digital dating industry has yet to conquer the inherent discriminatory nature of human beings.

Narrative B

While everyone wants to fix income inequality, the solution is likely not to change how human beings date. Despite popular claims to the contrary, humans naturally mate based on similar religions, cultures, education levels, and intelligence levels. Factors that play far less of a role, albeit not 100% of the time, include personality traits like extroversion.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that most Americans will personally know someone who has dated an artificially intelligent virtual companion by 2032, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Gallup: 2024 Election Environment Favors Republicans

The Facts

  • A Gallup report released this week said that nearly all measures of the political environment for the 2024 US presidential election favor the Republican Party over the Democratic Party.

  • This comes as 1,007 US adults were polled between Sept. 3-15 about 10 indicators that either have moderate to strong links to past presidential elections outcomes or are related to current perceptions of the two parties.

The Spin

Republican narrative

This poll confirms that Americans don't want four more years of the disastrous Biden-Harris agenda and that the presidential election is Trump's to lose. Republicans haven't had such an advantage in decades, and not even the liberal media can ignore that.

Democratic narrative

Even if Gallup figures are correct, that's quite a logical jump to claim that these numbers indicate that the election environment favors Republicans. Several other polls put Harris ahead of Trump, and — perhaps most importantly — the average voter also expects her to win.

Nerd narrative

There's a 56% chance that Kamala Harris will be elected US President in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Gives Last Address to UN General Assembly

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden on Tuesday used his final address to the UN General Assembly to express his hope that the US continues to engage with the rest of the world while a resolution is sought for the war in the Gaza Strip, the civil war in Sudan, and the Russia-Ukraine war.

  • Biden said the US and its allies must "make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than the forces pulling us apart."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Biden's speech highlighted the things he does best, especially coalition building. Although many say more can be done to aid Ukraine, Biden helped pull NATO together to stave off Russian advances. In Gaza, Biden's administration is working around the clock in an attempt to get a ceasefire despite the two sides' tentativeness. In addition to his speech, Biden held several meetings about how countries can come together to tackle the challenges of the world.

Establishment-critical narrative

Biden can crow about his foreign policy experience and his so-called successes. But there are three wars waging across the globe, and his speech offered no path for a way forward toward ending the bloodshed. Biden's speech was all "feelings and vibes" and resulted in criticism from several other world leaders who are looking toward the US for leadership.

Conservative narrative

Biden's failed policies have done nothing but set the world aflame, and even as he bragged about his so-called accomplishments, he seemed to acknowledge his failures. But nothing he said mattered because he was urging an inept UN — which has abandoned its peace-keeping duties in the Middle East and lets the leader of Iran travel to New York unimpeded — to help out when it obviously has no intention of curtailing terrorism or draining anti-American autocrats of their power.

Nerd narrative

There's a 2% chance that the US and Iran will be primary actors on opposite sides of a war before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US to Ban Chinese Technology in Cars

The Facts

  • The US Department of Commerce announced plans to ban certain Chinese hardware and software from connected vehicles on Monday.

  • The proposal, which would also include Russian-made car components, was first proposed in February, followed by an investigation into the potential risks surrounding electric vehicle (EV) features like sensors and other internet-connected components.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Besides the clear economic threat posed by China's unfair EV industry, this proposal seeks to prevent serious physical threats, too. As these electric vehicle technologies are linked directly to the Chinese government, Beijing would have the power to spy on American drivers and infrastructure, not to mention sabotage these vehicles from abroad. If the White House doesn't step in, China can do whatever it wants to America and its people.

Pro-China narrative

This proposal is fearmongering at its finest. What Washington really wants is to prevent China from becoming a success in the EV market, similar to the 'made-in-China' boom of the early 2000s. Instead of working with Beijing, whose EV and solar technologies have led the world in decarbonization, a handful of US politicians have chosen to risk destroying that climate progress and hurt its own car companies for political points.

Nerd narrative

There is a 19% chance that the US will eliminate or delay the critical mineral and battery component requirement for EV tax credit eligibility before Jan. 1, 2027, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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