26 September 2024

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Putin Proposes Changes to Russia's Nuclear Doctrine

The Facts

  • Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin on Wednesday proposed new changes to the country's nuclear doctrine — a move widely considered a warning to the West against permitting Ukraine to use long-range weapons on Russian territory.

  • For months, Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for restrictions to be lifted on his country's use of UK-provided Storm Shadow missiles, and US-provided ATACMS missiles. The request is expected to top the agenda when Zelenskyy meets US Pres. Joe Biden Thursday.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Putin's proposed changes to his country's nuclear doctrine are likely an attempt to breathe new life into Russia's saber-rattling — particularly at a time when Western countries are debating lifting restrictions on long-range weapons. Nonetheless, it's never good when a nuclear-armed country loosens its parameters over when such weapons can be deployed.

Pro-Ukraine narrative

Russia has no tool to intimidate global partners other than nuclear blackmail. These threats should be ignored, and certainly should not prevent Western countries from providing Ukraine with the capabilities it needs to defeat Russia on the battlefield.

Pro-Russia narrative

The proposed changes to Russia's military doctrine are in direct response to the military and political threats the country is facing. These adjustments are essential to ensure that Russian citizens, and the Russian state, remain adequately protected.

Nerd narrative

There's a 23% chance that a nuclear weapon will be detonated as an act of war by 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Canada's Trudeau Survives No-Confidence Vote

The Facts

  • On Wednesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau successfully fended off a vote of no-confidence as opposition leader Pierre Poilievre was unable to win over the New Democratic Party (NDP) and Bloc Québécois leaders.

  • In public opinion polls, Poilievre, the Conservative Party leader, is in the lead and has expressed interest in a snap election after the NDP withdrew its coalition agreement with the Liberals at the beginning of September.

The Spin

Left narrative

Wednesday was a loss for the Conservative Party but a win for Canada. By defeating the motion of no-confidence, Trudeau's minority government was able to avoid the chaos of a forced resignation and subsequent snap election. At a time when stability is crucial, triggering a political crisis would have been reckless and irresponsible.

Right narrative

Many Canadians are rightfully holding Trudeau personally responsible for the rising inflation and high cost of living. His popularity has been declining for years, with most believing Poilievre has the best plan when it comes to crucial issues like housing, health care, and the economy. It's time for Trudeau to do what's best for the country — step down.

Nerd narrative

There is an 85% chance Pierre Poilievre will become prime minister of Canada before 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted After Federal Investigation

The Facts

  • Federal prosecutors in Manhattan indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams on bribery charges Thursday, accusing him of failing to disclose luxury airline tickets, hotel stays, yacht rides, and meals from wealthy foreigners and Turkish officials since at least 2014.

  • In exchange, Adams is accused of pressuring a fire department official to expedite the inspection of the Turkish consular building ahead of the Turkish president's visit to the city. The building allegedly would have failed the inspection otherwise.

The Spin

Narrative A

This is a spectacular fall from grace for the mayor of the US' largest city. While the law does not require Adams to step down if indicted, the mere presence of constant investigations and poor publicity will damage his administration's ability to govern the city. For the sake of all New Yorkers, Eric Adams should remove himself from office.

Narrative B

While this indictment, if proven, would be shocking, America operates on the notion of presumption of innocence. Adams is owed that much, at least, and we should be careful before jumping to conclusions. Federal prosecutors have made baseless accusations against New York City politicians before, so Adams should stick up for himself if he's truly innocent.

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Report: OpenAI Becoming For-Profit, Giving Altman a Stake

The Facts

  • Reuters has claimed that OpenAI, the creator of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT, is planning to shift from its current nonprofit status to a for-profit company. Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman, who previously said he wouldn't take a financial share, will reportedly now receive equity.

  • While the nonprofit side will maintain a minority stake in the company, the for-profit change is reportedly expected to entice new investors, including Apple, Nvidia, and the UAE-backed firm MGX.

The Spin

Narrative A

OpenAI has already changed the world for the better, which is why its nonprofit arm will remain a crucial part of the new corporation. However, to accomplish the technological pursuits required to further benefit humanity, the company will need enough financial backing, and thus seek business partnerships with tech powerhouses like Apple.

Narrative B

While Altman publicly claims that this move is to further OpenAI's initial nonprofit mission, privately he's been pushing the organization away from its altruistic philosophy for some time. This is why founding members and other longtime employees have been leaving in droves — including top scientists. Those on the inside have seen this coming for a while.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that after a (weak) AGI is created, it will be at least 49.4 months before the first superintelligent AI is created, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Harris Promises 'Pragmatic' Approach to Economy

The Facts

  • Speaking at the Pittsburgh Economic Club in Pennsylvania, Democratic Party presidential candidate Vice Pres. Kamala Harris pledged to be "pragmatic" and described herself as "a capitalist" when discussing the economy on Wednesday.

  • The Republican nominee, former Pres. Donald Trump, has previously accused Harris of being a Marxist, describing the Vice President as "Comrade Kamala" on social media.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Heavy in policy with a focus on unity instead of division, Harris's Pittsburgh speech was a stark contrast to the often hate-filled ramblings that America has grown so used to within the Trump campaign. Harris' opportunity economy is the only agenda aimed at uplifting America's middle class and finally bringing politics back to the people who truly matter. Her policies will stimulate the economy and empower workers.

Republican narrative

By suggesting America must move on from its failed policies of the past, Harris showed extreme disregard for the responsibility they hold over America's current economic woes. Having pushed the cost of living through the roof during her time as vice president, Harris is fooling no one by claiming that she's the answer to the struggles of the American middle class, who need an America First solution.

Nerd narrative

There is a 55% chance that Kamala Harris will be elected US President in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Marist Poll: Trump, Harris Virtually Tied in Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina

The Facts

  • New Marist College Sun Belt state polls found Vice Pres. Kamala Harris and former Pres. Donald Trump locked in tight races in three key battleground states that, combined, account for 43 Electoral College votes.

  • In Arizona, Trump has a one-point lead over Harris among likely voters statewide, 50% to 49%, as the Democrat trails by two points among Latinos — a demographic that Pres. Joe Biden carried by 24 points in 2020.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This set of polls is big for Kamala Harris, who may flip North Carolina blue for the first time since Obama won there in 2008. She is also showing promise in Georgia — the battleground state where Trump has his best results.

Republican narrative

Polls underestimated support for Trump both in 2016 and 2020, so the latest results in key Sun Belt battleground states are very positive for the Republican ticket. Compared to previous cycles, this is Trump's best chance to win by a landslide — and even to secure the popular vote.

Nerd narrative

There's a 55% chance that Kamala Harris will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Netanyahu: No Cease-fire, Attacks Against Hezbollah to Continue

The Facts

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated on Thursday that Israel is not seeking a temporary cease-fire with Hezbollah and will continue striking Lebanon until all of its objectives are achieved.

  • This comes as the US, France, and other Western allies had sought a 21-day cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah as well as further negotiations for a deal in Gaza. Israeli and US officials are expected to meet in New York on Thursday to discuss the issue.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Though the situation in the region continues to escalate, the US has stood firm in its role as a mediator. Israel has every right to respond to Hezbollah's daily terror attacks along its northern border. However, it is in no one's interest for tensions to explode into a wider regional war. The US will continue to work toward regional stability.

Pro-Israel narrative

The US must stop with its naive plans for "cease-fires" that will only lead to more terror. Israel has been incredibly patient regarding the situation in the north, but after a year of daily terror attacks on Israeli civilians, Israel has been forced to deal with Hezbollah more aggressively. Israel wants peace more than anyone, but it cannot allow Hezbollah and other Iran-backed terror groups to threaten its society in such an existential way.

Pro-Palestine narrative

It is clear that Israel is using the same strategy in Lebanon that it has used in Gaza – the forced displacement of the civilian population. The US continues in this cease-fire charade while arming Israel to the teeth, encouraging Israel to light the region on fire. The only way to end this nightmare is for the US to finally end its unilateral support for a genocidal Israeli state.

Narrative D

The attacks against Lebanon are a clear example of Israeli terrorism in the region and its disregard for human life. Hezbollah opened a support front with Israel to stand in solidarity with Gaza, which has faced a genocidal Israeli campaign. Its attacks will end when Israel withdraws from Gaza. Nonetheless, Hezbollah is ready and able to defend Lebanon from Israeli aggression.

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Japanese Navy Ship Sails Through Taiwan Strait for First Time

The Facts

  • Japan's JS Sazanami naval destroyer, accompanied by Australian and New Zealand naval ships, sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday.

  • While this was the Japanese navy's first time sailing through the Strait since World War II — reportedly to travel to the South China Sea for military exercises — the US, Australia, and the UK have been doing so for years.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

China's military has been sailing through and flying over the Taiwan Strait for months, antagonizing both neighboring countries like Japan and the Philippines and allies like Australia. Beijing is attempting to control not only Taiwan, but also the internationally recognized waterways upon which many countries rely. If Beijing continues to flex its military might in the region, Western navies will respond in kind.

Establishment-critical narrative

The Western establishment, directed by neoconservatives in the US with the help of its Asian allies, is trying to turn the South China Sea region into another NATO-like military alliance. To accomplish this — just as it did with its so-called interventions in Yugoslavia, Kosovo, and Serbia — it seems Western militaries are preparing to invade the region, risking an all-out war with China. US allies in Asia and Europe must stop taking marching orders from Washington before it's too late.

Nerd narrative

There's a 4% chance there will be a US-China war before 2035 if the US says it will use nukes to defend Taiwan, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Pfizer Recalls Sickle Cell Treatment

The Facts

  • Pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced Wednesday a global recall of its sickle cell anemia drug Oxbryta, citing an "imbalance" of deaths and health complications in patients.

  • Oxbryta, which is meant to help hemoglobin attract oxygen and prevent the damaging of red blood cells, was approved by US regulators in 2019 through a fast-tracked method based only on preliminary data.

The Spin

Narrative A

The data has shown too strong of a link between Oxbryta and patient deaths to keep this drug on the market. While drugs are supposed to make sickle cell patients better, this one has led to additional health issues, including arthritis, kidney failure, and stroke.

Narrative B

While it's understandable for a company to prioritize patient safety, this recall is devastating to the many sickle cell patients who have virtually no treatment for their disease. Between this recall and that of Crizanlizumab earlier this year, 20 years of research have gone out the window.

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