Nuclear Power Generation to Break Records in 2025

Image copyright: Janos Kummer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to a report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on Wednesday, nuclear power production could reach a record high in 2025. In addition, renewable energy sources — including solar and wind — will likely surpass coal as an electricity source early next year.

  • The forecast comes after the annual World Nuclear Industry Status Report last month revealed that global electricity production from nuclear energy had dropped by 4% in 2022 from the previous year, though it still accounted for 9.2% of gross power generation.

The Spin

Narrative A

The world needs to drastically cut emissions, as well as meet its growing electricity demands and climate goals, through alternative energy sources including nuclear power. As the future of mankind depends on an unhindered supply of carbon-neutral electricity, the fossil-based energy production and consumption systems must shift to renewable energy sources to create a carbon-free future.

Narrative B

Nuclear energy may seem like a clean and viable solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and address global warming. However, as nuclear power is expensive, carcinogenic, and produces radioactive waste, it's essential to remove it from the matrix and select other, climate-friendly options, such as solar and wind energy, to meet global power demands.

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